All seminars (unless otherwise stated) will take place on Mondays at 3.00 pm in Room 500 which is located on the 5th floor of the Mathematics Department. See Where to Find Us for further details. There will be tea afterwards in room 606.
If you require any more information on the Applied seminars please contact Professor Ted Johnson e-mail: erj AT or tel: 020-7679-2854.
Extra seminar - 27 May 2008 (4.00pm Room 500)
Professor A. Ramm - Dept. of Mathematics, Kansas State University, USA
Creating materials with a desired refraction index
Many-body scattering problem is solved asymptotically when the size of the particles tends to
zero and the number of the particles tends to infinity. A method is given for calculation of the
number of small particles and their boundary impedances such that embedding of these particles
in a bounded domain, filled with known material, results in creating a new material with a desired refraction coefficient. The new material may be created so that it has negative refraction, that
is, the group velocity in this material is directed opposite to the phase velocity. Another possible application consists of creating the new material with some desired wave-focusing properies. For example, one can create a new material which scatters plane wave mostly in a fixed given solid
angle. In this application it is assumed that the incident plane wave has a fixed frequency and
a fixed incident direction. An inverse scattering problem with scattering data given at a fixed
wave number and at a fixed incident direction is formulated and solved.
Extra seminar - 28 April 2008
Professor Lev Ostrovsky - Institute of Applied Physics of Russian Acad. Sci.
Laboratory Modeling of Hydrodynamic Motions in Upper Ocean
This presentation outlines some modern aspects of upper ocean dynamics which have been modeled in the laboratory facilities of the Institute of Applied Physics of Russian Acad. Sci. These facilities include the large thermostratified tank with a thermocline-type stratification, a closed (oval) wind tank (working section 6 m long) and some smaller installations. Among the problems to be briefly described are:
- Construction and parameters of the tanks;
- Damping of internal waves on turbulence;
- Effect of stratification on turbulent flows and wakes;
- Interaction of surface waves with current; group synchronism effect;
- Propagation of nonlinear surface wave trains;
- Cascade mechanism of ripple modulation.
When possible, experimental data will be compared with theoretical models.
04 February 2008
Professor Roger Grimshaw - Loughborough
Long-time solutions of the Ostrovsky equation
11 February 2008
18 February 2008
Dr Peter Davidson - Cambridge
Structure formation in rotating turbulence
25 February 2008
Dr Christopher Goodyer - Leeds
Numerical modelling of elastohydrodynamic lubrication
03 March 2008
Professor Alexander Gorban - Leicester
Invariant manifolds for model reduction
10 March 2008
Professor Julius Kaplunov - Brunel
Localised dynamic phenomena in elastic solids
17 March 2008
Dr Rainer Hollerbach - Leeds