These seminars will take place on Thursdays at 5pm on an (almost) weekly basis in room 505 in the Mathematics Department (25 Gordon Street). Talks are being given by 2nd and 3rd year Mathematics PhD students for PhD students. They are generally followed by tea and biscuits in the Mathematics Department Staff Room.
06 February 2014
Dimitrios Chatzakos
Title: From Diophantine equations to hyperbolic geometry
13 February 2014
Matthew Wright
Title: Cosmology: an introduction
20 February 2014
Stephen Muirhead
Title: The probabilistic method: Using probability to solve deterministic problems
27 February 2014
Nicola Tamanini
Title: The Dark Side of the Universe
06 March 2014
Olly Southwick
Title: So... what is fluids?
13 March 2014
Giancarlo Grasso
Title: Gin Spins Again: An introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
20 March 2014
Thomas Boiveau
Title: Computational mathematics & differential equations
27 March 2014
Samuel Brown
Title: Introduction to topology and groups
03 April 2014
10 April 2014
Jacopo Lanzoni
Title: Boundary Integral Equations in Scattering Theory