
LMCB - Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology


Research article and cover in Dev Cell for Lloyd lab and colleagues

In a recent article in Developmental Cell, the Lloyd lab and colleagues characterize the conserved multicellular structures and processes that define the mammalian blood-nerve barrier (BNB). Macrophages enforce the BNB during homeostasis, whereas, following injury, Schwann cells transiently “open” the barrier by increasing transcytosis rates across blood vessels, permitting increased delivery of therapeutics to peripheral nerves.

Malong et al (2023). Characterization of the structure and control of the blood-nerve barrier identifies avenues for therapeutic delivery. VOLUME 58, ISSUE 3, P174-191.E8, FEBRUARY 06, 2023

Cover caption | Peripheral nerves are protected by the blood nerve barrier. While this provides a protective environment to nerves, it presents a barrier to therapeutic delivery. This image shows endoneurial blood vessels (red, CD31), which all have barrier-function-expressing claudin5 (green), surrounded by other cells that contribute to the barrier, where only nuclei can be seen (white). Image credit: Giulia Casal (image made on Imaris Software).