UCL Postgraduate Conference Series paper selected for the US Neurolaw bibliography
4 May 2018
The UCL Faculty of Laws has published a special issue exploring challenges relating to the need to balance competing rights, obligations, and freedoms.
A paper by Federica Coppola in the recently-published UCL Faculty of Laws special issue, ‘UCL Postgraduate Conference Series’, has been selected for the official US Neurolaw bibliography by the MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience.
The special issue, which was edited by third-year PhD students Ira Ryk-Lakhman and Gaiane Nuridzhanian, comprises original scholarship on a variety of topics of law and jurisprudence that is open to practitioners and academics alike. Each of the five papers offers an original and topical contribution to a particular area of law. The intentional diversity of the papers included demonstrates that the reconciliation of competing interests touches upon a range of legal fields and topics, which are dealt with differently by different legal systems and fields of law.
The special issue draws on topics covered in the 2017 UCL Laws Postgraduate and Early Career Conference, held on the 30th and 31st March 2017 at UCL. The theme of the Conference, ‘The Art of Balancing: The Role of Law in Reconciling Competing Interests’, sought to explore the challenges arising from the need to balance competing rights, obligations, and freedoms. This topic was addressed by some 25 practitioners and academics during the two-day event. Several of those works were selected to feature in this special issue.
The Conference was organized by Gaiane Nuridzhanian and Ira Ryk-Lakhman, who also edited the special issue.
Opening Remarks (Richard Moorhead)
Foreword (Eleni Frantziou)
Preface (Gaiane Nuridzhanian and Ira Ryk-Lakhman)
Desmond Johnson Institutional Balance, Civic Virtue and Dialogue: A Republican Balancing Act for the EU Constitutional Order
John Dingfelder Stone Undervaluing the Right to an Interpreter: How Societal and Judicial Interests Threaten the Fairness of Multilingual Criminal Proceedings
Araceli Turmo Procedural Law as an Exercise in Reconciling Public Interest and Individual Rights: The Example of Res Judicata