UCL Laws 'Postgraduate and Early Career Conference 2017'
3 April 2017
UCL Faculty of Laws held the 2017 Postgraduate and Early Career Conference, organised by two second-year PhD students, Ira Ryk-Lakhman and Gaiane Nuridzhanian, on 30-31 March 2017

The Conference theme was ‘Art of Balancing: The Role of Law in Reconciling Competing Interests.’
The event was designed to provide current doctoral students and recent PhD graduates with a forum to present and discuss their work among academic peers from different backgrounds and legal disciplines. This event aimed to promote fruitful research collaboration between its participants, and to encourage their integration in a community of legal scholars.
The conference comprised 8 panels divided equally between both days. Twenty-four participants from various parts of the world were invited to present their work at the Conference. The research projects presented by the participants related to great wide variety of areas of law such as, human rights, labour law and social-economic rights, jurisprudence, EU and IP law, environmental law and international law, including international investment law, and interdisciplinary approaches to law.
At the next step, a compilation of selected conference papers will be published.

Read more information about the panels, presenters and discussants.