UK's HPC Materials Chemistry Consortium

1st Conference

UCL Online >> Chemistry >> KLMC >> MCC-2012



The deadline for registration for both abstracts and attendence is 14 February, and delegates are encouraged to sort out accommodation soon in order to secure the best deals! In order to help me delegate some of the work required to organise this meeting, please carefully follow the instructions below:

Attendence from each Group

Each group leader (three letters of whose name is used in the Hector account code e05-theme-***) should email a completed copy of this form (or delegate this task, but please get this person to CC you) by February 14. Although we have some funds to support this event, in order to break even we still need to make a small charge as follows:

  • Group Leaders - £70
  • Panel Members - free
  • Other Members - £50

Registration includes a conference meal; refreshments at coffee time; wine and nibbles at the poster session; and buffet lunches. I will invoice each group after the deadline and hope to receive payment from you by March 10. Note that there will be a limited number of places (e.g. the lecture theatre seats a maximum of 150).

Abstracts for Oral Presentations or Posters

We would like 3 or 4 20-minute oral presentations for each theme (see programme). Those who would like to either present a 20 minute talk or present their work as a poster (maximum size AO portrait) then please send a one page abstract (using one of the templates below) to me before February 14. Please indicate in the header of the email whether you would like "Only a Talk", "Only a Poster", "Prefer a Talk" or "Prefer a Poster".

Please do not change the size of the table or change fonts. As indicated in the templates, please list the person hope will present the work first and list only his department and institution. Change abc to the appropriate code and if you do not want to present a poster or talk then delete "/Talk" or "Poster/", respectively. Thank you.

Proposal for HECToR Resources

We will hold a brief pre-meeting (see programme) before the conference begins. If you would like time for the period April - July, please complete the usual template found on our website and name it using the standard form (see previous proposals considered at our last meeting which are stored on our website). For registration purposes, this pre-meeting will be treated as a separate event. Proposals from each group should be sent in ONE email to me, together with a list of those in that group who will attend this pre-meeting by 10 March! I will only process proposals from a group that has already sent in a completed conference registration form!


This page last modified
17 January, 2012