
UCL Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science


JDI LAC Unit - Case studies

See some examples of our work in Latin America and the Caribbean


  • Examining spatial and temporal patterns of robbery in Rio de Janeiro, Dec 2016-ongoing (partner: Instituto de Segurança Pública; supported by UCL Global Engagement Funds)
  • The concentration of homicide in Latin America, and the opportunities this creates for homicide reduction, December 2016-ongoing (partner: Instituto Igarapé)
  • Promoting the use of crime analysis and crime mapping to the Military Police and Civil Police in Rio de Janeiro, May 2016 (partners: Instituto de Segurança Pública and Instituto Igarapé)
  • Developing skills in evaluating crime reduction programmes, February 2015 (partners: Instituto de Estudos Comparados em Administracao Institucional de Conflitos - Universidade Federal de Fluminense; supported by UCL Santander Catalyst Fund)
  • Predictive policing in Belo Horizonte, November 2013 (partner: CRISP - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; supported by UCL Santander Catalyst Fund). Published paper relating to activity.
  • Bicycle theft and bicycle accident prevention in Rio de Janeiro, November 2013 (partner: Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Politicos - Universidade do Estado do Rio De Janeiro and Empresa Olimpica Municipal; supported by UCL Santander Catalyst Fund)
  • Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis International Symposium, Brasilia, July 2009 (partners: Secretaria Nacional de Segurança Pública SENASP/MJ, Brasil Policia Federal, CRISP - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Secretaria de Segurança Pública/DF, Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública/FBSP)


  • PADO (Programa de Alta Dedicación Operativa): examining its impact, range of impact, crime displacement, diffusion of benefit and cost-benefit, September - December 2016 (partners: Uruguay Ministerio del Interior, Policia Nacional de Uruguay, Inter-American Development Bank)
  • Problem-oriented policing training, 2015-2016 (partners: Uruguay Ministerio del Interior, Policia Nacional de Uruguay, Inter-American Development Bank) POP Reference Guide developed in support of the training programme.


  • Semana de la Seguridad: security and justice in Latin America and the Caribbean, September 2016 (participation)


  • Examining the use of crime data and spatial crime analysis in Mexico City, planned May 2017 (partners: CIDE - Maestria en Administracion y Políticas Públicas; supported by UCL Santander Catalyst Fund)


  • Collaboration workshops with researchers from the Center for Analysis and Modeling of Security CEAMOS, Santiago and London, 2015 (partners: CEAMOS - University of Chile; supported by UCL Santander Catalyst Fund)


  • Belize Crime Observatory, 2015-2016 (partners: Belize Ministry of National Security, Belize National Police, Inter-American Development Bank)
  • Towards the development of national Belize victimisation survey, 2016 (partners: Belize Ministry of National Security, Belize National Police, Inter-American Development Bank)