
IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


IOE department showcases wide-ranging research projects in inaugural event

17 October 2019

UCL Institute of Education’s (IOE) Department of Culture, Communication and Media (CCM) has hosted its inaugural research jamboree exploring cutting-edge research that academics from the department are undertaking.

Lego bricks and hands

An event that highlighted the breadth of research conducted in the department, academics presented talks on subjects including ‘linguistic approaches to illness and healthcare’, ‘bridging software engineering and music with Lego’ and ‘the use of ICT in supporting the academic and social development of pupils with educational behavioural problems within inclusive KS2 classrooms’.

Split into talks, panel discussions and poster galleries, the jamboree also explored projects about ‘primary school children's singing behaviour in mainland China’, ‘developing research mindsets in the educational technology industry’ and an exhibition about living with cancer.

Professor Kaśka Porayska-Pomsta, Head of Research within the Department of Culture, Communication and Media, said: “The CCM jamboree provides an opportunity for colleagues to share their research and teaching, and to provide both staff and postgraduate research students with a platform to share their work with one another, to network, and to explore thematic overlaps between their work and any opportunities that may arise from such exploration.  Ultimately, the jamboree has highlighted a thriving CCM research culture and strengthened the department’s identity and forward-looking manner.”

