Older schoolmate spillovers on higher education choices
How might students’ applications and enrollments be influenced by the higher education trajectory taken by older year groups graduating school before them?
Does higher education choice spillover between different year groups in the same school? Researchers examined how students’ applications and enrollments were influenced by the higher education trajectory of the previous graduating cohort from the same school. Using data from the French centralised admission system, Gustave Kenedi compares data between secondary schools with a marginally admitted student to college, and schools with a marginally rejected student.
This seminar will explore two potential mediating factors for spillover effects: teachers, and student role models. Early evidence on these mechanisms suggests both effects play a role in explaining the observed spillovers.
This event will be particularly useful for students, teachers, researchers, and policymakers.
Please note this is a hybrid event and can be joined either in-person or online.
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- Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities (CEPEO)
- CEPEO Seminar Series
- Department of Learning and Leadership
Phil Meech.
Dr Gustave Kenedi
London School of Economics
Gustave Kenedi is a postdoctoral researcher at the London School of Economics, within the Centre for Economic Performance. His research focuses on intergenerational mobility and educational inequalities. He received his PhD in economics from Sciences Po Paris in 2023.
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