Designing the Social
Join this seminar to hear Dr Harry T. Dyer draw on his recent monograph (2020) to explore how social media design shapes identity, and why it matters for education.

Bringing together posthumanist theories, educational theory, and media studies this seminar will introduce the idea of ‘comic theory’ as a framework through which to better understand the ways in which socioculturally grounded users intra-act with specifically designed digital spaces to (re)present identity.
Harry will explore how certain voices, actions, and narratives are emphasised or minimised by design, and how users engage in acts of novelty, negotiation, and compromise to present ongoing identities. Crucially the work tracks how the boundaries of these identities vary across different platforms and the various technologies we use to access them.
Finally, this event will explore what this attention to design means for researchers and educators. Harry will explore how we can define social media, and what a broad focus on design means for the large amount of research that focuses on Twitter and Facebook alone.
Furthermore, this event will assess what a consideration of the manner in which design influences social experiences online might mean for educational researchers, educators, and students. Harry will also look at the possibilities of ‘critical digital citizenship’, focusing specifically on the one-size-fits-all model of technology in classrooms, the creeping ‘data gaze’ in education, and the attempts to present and view technology as apolitical.
This event will be particularly useful for those interested in social media, identity, education, digital technologies, design and posthumanism.
N.B. This is a hybrid event and can be joined either virtually or in-person and you can indicate this on the registration form.
Covid-19 measures
To minimise Covid-related risks for in-person attendees at our events we will facilitate social distancing where possible. In-person attendees will require to have booked their place to gain entry to the event. We strongly encourage attendees to wear a mask while in our buildings. We ask that those registered for our events do not attend in-person if they are showing respiratory symptoms. Thank you for your co-operation.
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