Event type:

In person

Date & time:

06 Oct 2021, 13:00 – 14:00

VIRTUAL EVENT: Social Research Institute showcase: Quantitative Social Science (QSS) COVID projects

This webinar is jointly organised by the Social Research Institute and Quantitative Social Science (QSS) and will include two presentations of QSS team members’ COVID-19 research.

Care worker wearing mask. Image: Luke Jones via Unsplash
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VIRTUAL EVENT: Social Research Institute showcase: Quantitative Social Science (QSS) COVID projects

06 Oct 2021, 13:00 – 14:00

Dr Kirstine Hansen

Associate Professor

QSS, Social Research Institute

Kirstine's research interests are related to education and skills acquisition and attainment across the life-course.

She has published extensively using birth cohort data to examine the determinants of cognitive development and academic achievement, trying to unpick to the mechanisms of inequality of opportunity and outcomes.

Kirstine's current research, in collaboration with the Metropolitan Police, examines the impact of COVID-19 on crime in London.

Professor Alex Bryson

Professor of Quantitative Social Science

QSS, Social Research Institute

Alex is also a Research Fellow at IZA (Institute of Labor Economics) in Bonn, the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) in London, WISERD (Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research and Data) in Cardiff and Rutgers in New Jersey. He is an applied labour economist with a background in sociology.

His research focuses on labour economics, employment relations and programme evaluation. He also works on sports economics, workers' well-being, management practices, the gender wage gap, and racial discrimination in the labour market.

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Jenny Chanfreau
