VIRTUAL EVENT: College value-added and returns to field of study in further education
In this webinar, Dr Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela discusses the value-added of colleges providing vocational education to young and adult learners in England, and the returns to different fields of study taught at these colleges.

Using unique panel data that includes multiple measures of students' ability and background characteristics, Jenifer will account for usual threats to identification.
Jenifer found moderate heterogeneity in college value-added for outcomes such as daily earnings and employment probabilities.
Dispersion in value-added for academic outcomes was more pronounced. Earnings returns vary substantially across fields of study. Earnings returns were higher for young than for adult learners and tend to be larger for females.
CEPEO seminar series
The Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities (CEPEO) hosts a research seminar series where guest speakers present cutting edge research.
Join policymakers, researchers and practitioners to explore the pressing questions of our time in education policy and equalising opportunities.
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- CEPEO seminar series
- Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities
- Department of Learning and Leadership
Image: Alexis Brown via Unsplash
Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela
Research Economist
the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics (LSE)
Jenifer is also the research coordinator of the Centre for Vocational Education Research, also at LSE.
Her research spans different areas on the economics of education and labour economics. She holds a PHD in Economics from the European University Institute.
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