Event type:

In person

Date & time:

23 Jun 2021, 17:30 – 19:00

VIRTUAL EVENT: What’s civility got to do with it? A Murdochian response

In this talk, Dr Megan Laverty (Teachers College, Columbia University, USA) argues that Iris Murdoch conceives civility as a modality of attention ‘at a distance’.

A diverse group of young people standing together. Image: Monstera via Pexels
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VIRTUAL EVENT: What’s civility got to do with it? A Murdochian response

23 Jun 2021, 17:30 – 19:00

Megan Laverty

Associate Professor of Philosophy and Education

Teachers College, Columbia University

Megan’s research interests are philosophy of education, moral philosophy and education, and pre-college philosophy of education. 

She is the author of 'Iris Murdoch's Ethics: A Consideration of her Romantic Vision' (Bloomsbury, 2007).

She edits:

  • 'Philosophy for Children Founders' series (Routledge) together with Maughn Rollins Gregory
  • 'Philosophies of Education in Art, Cinema, and Literature' series (Bloomsbury) together with René Arcilla.

Together with David T. Hansen, she edited the five-volume series: 'A History of Western Philosophy of Education' (Bloomsbury 2021).

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Alison Brady
