
IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


Cancelled | What we can learn from the pandemic about home-school communication for the future

01 December 2021, 5:00 pm–6:00 pm

Girl learning at home. Image: Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

This event has been cancelled. We apologise for any inconvenience.

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Event Information

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Teresa Kourdoulos

In this webinar, Sam Duncan and Rachael Levy will report findings from the recent ESRC-funded study Learning Through Disruption.

The study explored the ways in which schools worked with children, families and communities during the pandemic. Having spoken to parents from seven primary schools within different parts of England, it was found that parental experiences of home-learning varied - this depended on individual family circumstances, differences in what schools were asking children and parents to do at home and how things changed across the various phases in the pandemic. 

What is more, parents had different expectations and preferences about what they thought schools should be offering and why they should be offering it. Yet despite these differences, the study consistently revealed that schools and parents reported that the quality of home-school communication was key in supporting families through the pandemic.  

Having conducted research in a variety of out-of-school contexts, Sam Duncan (Reading Aloud in Britain Today) and Rachael Levy (Reading with Young Children) draw on their own respective studies in reflecting on these findings in this session and discuss the implications of this for the future of home-school communication and partnership with parents.

This event will be particularly useful for teachers, head teachers, school management and policy makers.

International Literacy Centre (ILC) seminar series

This event is part of these seminar series. The centre hosts termly seminar series where researchers, practitioners, and those with an interest in literacy education, policy, and practice across the lifespan can come together to discuss current issues in the field. The seminars are free and open to the general public.

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About the Speakers

Dr Sam Duncan

Associate Professor in Adult Education and Literacies at UCL Institute of Education (IOE)

More about Dr Sam Duncan

Dr Rachael Levy

Associate Professor in Education at UCL Institute of Education (IOE)

More about Dr Rachael Levy