VIRTUAL EVENT: Higher education and the pandemic in East and Southeast Asia
This webinar will explore the East and Southeast Asian experience of the pandemic in higher education, and will discuss if there are models here to learn from.

There are striking differences in the management of the pandemic experience across countries and cultures. These differences are associated with variations in the outcomes of the pandemic. It has also had practical consequences for higher education where regulation has differed from country to country.
The East and Southeast Asian experience of the pandemic in higher education has played out in distinctive cultural and political contexts, in which individual and family understanding of the common good is well developed.
This webinar will explore whether this provides lessons for other parts of the world including Europe, North American and the emerging country systems in South Asia, Latin America and Africa.
It will discuss the following questions:
- What is the appropriate government policy for higher education under conditions of a global pandemic?
- Are there stellar examples of individual institutions’ handling of the pandemic?
- What are students and faculty saying in East and Southeast Asian countries?
- How do these systems handle relations between individual freedoms and social protection, the economy and public health, higher education responsibility and financial sustainability, and mobility/presence and online connectivity in learning?
- Norzaini Azman, Professor of Higher Education at the Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
- Shen Wenqin, Associate Professor of Higher Education, Graduate School of Education, Peking University.
- Dr. Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Professor and Vice-Director, International Strategy Office, Tohoku University.
Image: Abby Chung via Pexels
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