VIRTUAL EVENT: Mixed reality simulations in teacher education
How can teacher education programs prepare beginners who are ready to provide effective instruction on their first day in the classroom?
In this webinar, Dr Julie Cohen talks about the possible value of simulated classrooms for instruction and research, detailing the implications for teacher preparation design.
She will also highlight experiments that examine how teaching skills improve in simulated classrooms, depending on the coaching that prospective teachers receive.
To avoid the trap of technology for technology’s sake, it is necessary to research how these technologies are used. It it also important to look at how the technology supports the goals of improving teaching in real classrooms with real children.
- Dr Julie Cohen, Associate Professor of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education at The University of Virginia's Curry School of Education
DLL seminar series
The Department of Learning and Leadership (DLL) hosts a research seminar series where invited speakers present work relevant to the department’s areas of expertise.
- Watch the webinar on Mediacentral
- Research seminar series
- Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities
- Department of Learning and Leadership
Image: Phil Meech for UCL Institute of Education
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