VIRTUAL EVENT: What do private schools do? A look at the evidence
This lecture will showcase evidence on the effectiveness of private schools that has built up over the last 20 years, much of it at UCL.
Of all the educational resources devoted to Britain’s schools, one pound in every six of is spent on fee-paying schools. Privately educated alumni occupy especially influential positions in politics, business and the professions.
But private schools are often shrouded in mystique, and are a focus of strongly-held beliefs, for or against. The fundamental scientific questions are: who goes to them and what difference do they make?
This lecture will showcase evidence that has built up over the last 20 years, much of it at UCL. There is now a fuller understanding of the effectiveness of Britain’s private schools, which can serve to inform how our education system might change in coming decades.
- Lunch Hour Lectures
- Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies (LLAKES)
- Department of Education, Practice and Society
Image: English School Boys by Wilson Hui via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Francis Green is Professor of Work and Education Economics in UCL Institute of Education, where he works at the LLAKES Centre. After graduating in Physics at Oxford University, he studied Economics at the London School of Economics, before writing his PhD thesis at Birkbeck College.
His research focuses on education, skills, the graduate labour market and the quality of work. He has published many papers on private schools, and his latest book, co-authored with David Kynaston – Engines of Privilege. Britain’s Private School Problem – was published by Bloomsbury Press in 2019.
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