‘Resilience’ is the key concept of this dynamic cross-faculty, cross-institutional, & cross-continental research project co-designed by UCL and the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Santiago.
General Aims

The ‘Resilience’ project is cross-faculty because it brings together under one intellectual roof researchers from a variety of disciplines including Engineering, Earth Sciences, Hazard and Risk research, Life Sciences, Education and the Humanities.
It is cross-institutional because the research is co-designed by two universities (UCL and PUC) that are pooling their resources in order to find new ways of looking at old problems.
And it is cross-continental because it brings together researchers from different continents in the world – from the UK and Latin America – to address and contribute to the solving of global problems that are affecting our world here and now, such as Covid-19, climate change, and natural and human-made disasters.
The UCL-PUC Resilience project draws on the recently approved (September 2021) Dual PhD in Resilience in UCL’s Faculty of Engineering.
It is sustained by the series of four interdisciplinary workshops on ‘Resilience’ generously funded by UCL Global Engagement. Two workshops focussing on issues such as natural hazards and geothermal energy have been held so far (24-25 November 2020 and 26-27 May 2021) and two more are planned for the coming academic year (8-9 November 2021 and 9-10 May 2022).
One of our aims is to enhance links between our two institutions via the establishment of a UCL-PUC Seed Corn Fund to incentivize the creation of exciting small-scale interdisciplinary projects that can be scaled up into larger projects supported by major extramural grants.
Research Exempla
See below some examples of recent research articles published by members of the UCL-PUC Resilience Research Team
Image: female chemical engineer, photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash