Here you can find a selection of podcasts and other recordings from members of the CSS Leadership Team
Age of Economics Project: An interview with Dr Carolina Alves
Counterspeculations audiotour of the City of London
An interactive walking guide to the City of London, the square mile of England's capital known for centuries as a hub for the development of finance capital.
Here this Idea Podcast, episode 'Heterodox Economics, Diversity in Academia, and the Global South'
"We first ask Carolina to explain to us what Heterodox Economics is, how it differs from mainstream Economics, and how reaching a definition can be incredibly difficult. We then discuss the political debate that can arise around Heterodox Economics, and how viewing it as just a left-right divide may be overly simplistic."
IAS Talk Pieces: Concepts for the 'New Normal'. #1 Speculation
by André M. Carrington, Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou, Ming Tsao, and Marina Vishmidt. Music by Afrikan Sciences, Ming Tsao, Active Denial System and Shō. Image by Heide Hinrichs.
IAS discussion: A window into chaos? Covid-19 and the new temporal order of capitalism
With Arjun Appadurai (NYU), Jens Beckert (Cologne), Rahel Jaeggi (Humboldt) Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou (UCL) and Linsey McGoey (Essex)
Management Consultants in China, A Conversation with Kimberly Chong
In this episode, Xinyan Peng interviews Kimberly Chong about her book Best Practice: Management Consulting and the Ethics of Financialization in China. Dr. Chong speaks about how management consulting emerges as a crucial site for considering how corporate organization, employee performance, business ethics, and labor have been transformed under financialization.
PERC podcast: The Political Economy of Financialized Care with Amy Horton
PERC’s Nick Taylor is joined by Dr Amy Horton (UCL) to discuss the political economy of care, the nature of financialization in the care system and prospects for resistance and alternatives to the status quo.
PodShip: Earth series, episode 'Heterodox'
"As world leaders descended on Glasgow to agree on a plan to curb climate pollution, most of the obstacles to inking a deal centered on who pays for what. Not being discussed is the underlying financial framework of capitalism which has played an outsized role in getting us into this mess." Podcast with Dr Carolina Alves
Unlearning Economics YouTube Channel, 'Black Lives Matter and The Economics Profession'
Featuring Dr Carolina Alves.