CSSA Call for Papers: South Asia Early Career Researchers’ Workshop
31 March 2022
Workshop for early career researchers, 20-21 June 2022, Queen Mary University London, UK. Deadline for proposals: 24th April 2022.

Both institutions bring together researchers and postgraduate students working on South Asia from across the disciplines. This workshop will provide an interdisciplinary forum for doctoral and postdoctoral scholars from across London and beyond, and from across the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, to present their research and to participate in debate constructive toward the completion of their projects. The workshop will serve as an opportunity for the fruitful exchange of ideas with area specialists and emerging scholars in the field, as well as facilitate networking and new partnerships.
We invite proposals for papers which focus on South Asia, the Indian Ocean world, and their diasporas. The convenors warmly welcome proposals from scholars outside UCL and QMUL. There are limited funds for assistance with travel to the workshop; please state in your submission if you would like to be considered for receipt of a travel bursary. Speakers will be organised into thematic clusters, each cluster with a specialist in the field acting as discussant. Speakers will present their work for around 15-20 minutes, followed by Q&A. Lunch and refreshments will be provided on both days.
Scholars who wish to present should send the title of their paper, a description of no more than 250 words, and a brief biography to the organisers by email (southasiacentre@ucl.ac.uk) by 24 April 2022. We anticipate shortlisting by early May and to circulate a draft programme shortly thereafter.
Tariq Jazeel and Jagjeet Lally, UCL CSSA
Layli Uddin and Philippa Williams, QMUL SAF
Supported by the UCL South Asia Network, the UCL Global Engagement Fund, and the QMUL Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences.