
Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)


Prof Lerna K. Yanik

Prof Lerna K. Yanik is a Visiting Research Fellow at the UCL Middle East Research Centre and hosted as part of Takhayyul Project at the UCL Institute for Global Prosperity

Prof Lerna K. Yanik is a Professor of Political Science at Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkiye. She specializes in non-Western international relations theory, history of Turkish Foreign Policy, politics of space and time in international relations, critical geopolitics as well as culture and politics. Her research has appeared in various journals including the Journal of International Relations and Development, Die Welt des Islams, Asian Journal of Social Sciences, Political Geography, Geopolitics, Human Rights Quarterly, and Europe-Asia Studies. She is the recipient of several awards, including Sakıp Sabancı International Research Award (2006), a Fulbright Scholar (CUNY, 2009-2010), and a Derek Brewer Visiting Fellow at Emmanuel College, Cambridge (2017).


Staff profile at Kadir Has University: https://www.khas.edu.tr/akademisyenlerimiz/14/

UCL Middle East Research Centre: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/institute-of-advanced-studies/middle-east-research-centre

Takhayyul Project: https://www.takhayyulproject.com/