
Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)



black and white art depicting heads thinking, language and meaning
Regular events

Past events

  • RESCHEDULED: Workshop 'MK40: Common Knowledge, Common Ground, and Context in Communication', 25-26 June 2021, UCL
  • V3 clauses in Standard German with Eva Csipak (University of British Columbia), 5 March 2021, online
  • Negation and alternatives in conditional antecedents with Dean McHugh (University of Amsterdam) & Alexandre Cremers, 26 February 2021, online
  • Alternatives in counterfactuals with Paolo Santorio (University of Maryland) & Jacopo Romoli (University of Bergen), 5 February 2021, online
  • LMC lecture: Thinking, Guessing, and Believing With Ben Holguin (NYU), 13 February 2020, UCL
  • Probing the role of focus in implicature computation with Nicole Gotzner (ZAS, Berlin), 27 November 2019, UCL
  • Presupposed free choice and the theory of scalar implicatures, with Paul Marty (Leibniz-ZAS/UCL) & Jacopo Romoli (Ulster University), 16 October 2019, UCL
  • Language and Meaning Centre Launch and Inaugural Lecture, with Professor Gennaro Chierchia (Harvard University), 15 October 2019, UCL
  • Workshop: Theory of Mind in Communication, 18th September 2019, UCL
  • Truthmakers and Language workshop, 15 July 2019, Oxford
  • Leverhulme Lectures, Angelika Kratzerat (University of Massachusetts at Amherst), 25 April 2019 / 17 May 2019 / 6 June 2019, UCL
  • 'Lexical Semantics in Formal Semantics: History and Challenges', Barbara Partee (University of Massachusetts), 25 September 2018, UCL
  • Bayesian Approaches to Pragmatics workshop, 20–21 September 2018, UCL
  • Valentine Hacquard lectures and workshop, 6-7 June 2018, UCL
  • Modality seminar series: Perspectives from Linguistics and Philosophy, Spring 2018-19, UCL
  • Meaning as Action conference, 19-20 March 2018, Oxford
  • Philosophy-Semantics workshop, 25 October 2017, UCL