Co-production in practice and research: A new paradigm for arts in health & arts therapies?
16 March 2023, 4:00 pm–5:15 pm

Part of the seminar series, The Spaces Between: Equity, Voice, Agency and Care Practices Involving the Arts and Arts Therapies
Event Information
Open to
- All
Javiera Sandoval Limari
Co-production rests in the belief that each participant in the realms of clinical treatment and research should have the equal right to express themselves and take part in the process of ameliorating personal experiences of participation in arts therapies, arts in health and their effectiveness. Although many artists in health have genuinely co-produced projects with their clients, co-production is sometimes perfunctorily done. Indeed, objections need be understood and taken on board: many arts therapists will worry about impact on boundaries, roles, and dynamics within the therapeutic relationship. Co-production can also be challenging and time-consuming and this creates barriers for artists in health within small organizations having to meet cost-effective project deadlines. The seminar panel presentation will include practitioners, participants and users of services and will aim to define co-production in the theory and practice of arts therapies and arts in health, specifically its role in
research, where arts therapists or artists in health and clients work together.
Donna Betts (PhD, ATR-BC)
ATR-BC, Board Certified art therapist, USA
Val Huet (PhD)
Co-director of the Oxford College of Arts & Therapies UK
Part of the seminar series, The Spaces Between: Equity, Voice, Agency and Care Practices Involving the Arts and Arts Therapies