
UCL Institute of Finance & Technology



Decentralised Finance (De-Fi) 

With the rise of cryptocurrencies and distributed ledger technology, disruptions to the existing banking ecosystem already emerged. The speed, global nature and the independence of intermediaries present great challenges to regulation and compliance. In this research strand, we focus on the regulatory landscape in the De-Fi space.


  1. NFT Valuation Framework: to research, build, and leverage intelligence gained from NFTs, which research and accumulate metadata to build models to evaluate and predict NFT values and investment using Machine Learning algorithms, Complex Systems, and Agent-Based Modelling
  2. Fincrime Compliance: Crypto exchanges, trading platforms and traditional financial markets must be in compliant and require fraud solutions. The new regulatory framework must employ compliance disciplines to effectively fight financial crime
  3. Compliance as a Service (CaaS): regulatory guidance can be implemented on-chain using smart contracts to safeguard the financial market and protect customers

Investment structure 

This strand of research aims to define a methodological and theoretical framework in relation to venture capital investment strategy and structure.


  1. A theoretical approach of portfolio construction for venture capital, adapting Markowitz modern portfolio theory in venture capital. The role of interdependency in investment
  2. Harnessing big data analytics for venture capital secondary market. Exploiting the unexpressed potential of dismissed investments (due to longer term-maturities etc)
  3. Drivers for successful venture capital investments using complex theory (connectivity and centrality of investment with multilayer networks)
  4. Dynamic benchmark for the performance of venture capital performances
  5. Anomaly detection for early warning signals of unprofitable investments in a venture capital portfolio