Please click on the list of collaborating institutions below to see the researchers who supported the INEQ-CITIES Project. Departamento de Sanidad, Gobierno Vasco, Spain Project Collaborating Researchers Santiago Esnaola Generalitat de Valencia, Spain Project Collaborating Researchers Miguel Angel Martínez-Beneito Johns Hopkins University, USA Project Collaborating Researchers Vicente Navarro Statistik Stadt Zürich, Switzerland Project Collaborating Researchers Mauro Baster Thomas Glauser Judith Riegelnig Cornelia Schwierz Unidad de Investigación de Atención Primaria de Bizkaia, Osakidetza Servicio Vasco de Salud, Spain Project Collaborating Researchers Imanol Montoya Universidad de Alicante, Spain Project Collaborating Researchers Andreu Nolasco