Each of the following maps demonstrates the
heterogeneous nature of the different neighbourhoods in London in terms of
socio-economic characteristics. Each indicator, be it unemployment or manual
occupations demonstrate their own area-specific relationships. However, a
broader geographic pattern also emerges, connecting each of these maps in which deprivation is concentrated in the Eastern neighbourhoods of
London, whilst affluence is prevalent in the Western areas. The data behind these maps was gathered from
the 2001 Census and provided by the Office for National Statistics.
The socio-economic maps are colour coded; high concentrations of a socio-economic characteristic are represented by brown tones, which lighten as the concentration reduces. Intermediate concentrations of a socio-economic characteristic are represented by the white tone. The lowest concentrations are presented by green tones. For further information about how these maps were created, please visit the methodological section of the Atlas. Click on each image for a full-screen view of the maps below.
Area Distribution of Unemployment in London
distribution of unemployment reveals high concentrations within the inner-city. The highest levels of unemployment originate from the centre of London spanning North, East and South, represented by the large cluster of dark brown areas. Moving into the South and Northwest of London produces a picture of intermediate levels of unemployment (presented by light green and brown tones). The lowest levels are concentrated in a small central area and in the suburbs circling the inner-city, demonstrated by the clusters of dark green areas. Thus, the data on unemployment in London reveals a dichotomy between the inner-city and the suburbs.
Manual Workers
Area Distribution of Manual Workers in London
Interestingly, a very different pattern emerges for the proportion of manual workers compared to the levels shown for unemployment. The highest proportions of manual workers (shown in dark brown tones) are found in the West and East, followed by the Northeast of London. The lowest proportions of manual workers (shown in dark green tones) are found in the West, North and Southwest of London, whilst intermediate levels (presented in white) are found throughout London.
Primary Education
Area Distribution of Adults with Low Educational Attainment in London
This map of low educational attainment is very similar to the map of the distribution of manual workers, as it reveals high concentrations primarily in the East of London. Similarly, here there is a high concentration of low educational attainment in the West, Southwest and North of London. Compared to the map of manual workers, the concentration of low education attainment is much more apparent in the East of London. This produces a clear East-West divide in the proportion of low educational attainment.
University Qualifications
Area Distribution of Adults with University Qualifications in London
This map demonstrates the exact opposite pattern to that of low
educational attainment. In areas with high proportions of low
educational attainment, there is a low proportion of the population which achieved university level qualifications. In this map the dark green
tones shown in East London and the far Western districts represent very low levels
of university qualifications. The centre of London and moving to
the Western (both North and South) areas demonstrates the highest levels of university qualifications. Interestingly, the central Eastern areas of London have intermediate levels of university qualifications (shown by the mix of light tones in this area), yet higher levels of low educational achievement, proportions of manual workers and unemployment.