
UCL Human Resources


What Are APAs?

A Consultant Clinical Academic (CCA) or Senior Academic General Practitioner (SAGP) working full time will work ten (10) programmed activities per week.

Extra programmed activities are referred to as Additional Programmed Activities (APAs) and these may be either academic or clinical. Further information regarding APA's and applicable to staff employed on the CCA or SAGP contract, may be found in Annex E of the terms and conditions of employment.

Calculating the value of additional programmed activities:

The value of an additional programmed activity is variable depending on:

(1) your pay threshold (please see Clinical Academic salary scales), and,

(2) whether or not you hold discretionary points, a distinction award or a clinical excellence award (please click here for current rates of awards).

Calculation 1

If you do NOT hold a discretionary point, distinction award or a clinical excellence award, perform the following calculation:

  • Take the value of your basic full time pay (no other payments should be added) and divide this payment by 10.

e.g. basic salary of £69,991 p.a. / 10 =

APA allowance of £6,999 p.a. (per APA undertaken)

Calculation 2

If you hold a discretionary point, distinction award or a clinical excellence award, perform the following calculation:

Calculate the annual value of one additional PA per week:

•  Take the value of your basic full time pay (no other payments should be added) and divide this payment by 10. This provides figure A .

e.g. basic salary of £84,154 p.a. / 10 = Figure A rate of £8,415 p.a.

Proceed to the next step:

2. If you hold a discretionary point, distinction award or a clinical excellence award, perform the following calculation to provide figure B :

  • If Discretionary Points held: Divide the annual value of your DPs by 10 = figure B
  • If Distinction Award held: Divide the value of 8 DPs by 10 = figure B
  • If Clinical Excellence Award level 1 - 9 held: Divide the value of your CEA by 10 = figure B
  • If Clinical Excellence Award level 10 - 12 held: Divide the value of level 9 by 10 = figure B

Outcome: The annual value for each APA undertaken = A + B