8 November 2017
Donations of £7,525 have been allocated to a selection of charities but we want to donate at least £40,000 to the charities of your choice and need your help to achieve this!
Participating in the staff survey helps us understand your experience of working life at UCL and how this impacts on your wellbeing and achieving your career goals.
We can see whether we have made improvements since the last survey in 2015 and identify where new ideas and projects need to be initiated.
The survey is quick and easy to complete. See our FAQs for further information, including our commitments on anonymity and confidentiality.
What if I have difficulties accessing the survey?
A unique link has been sent to all employees who were on the UCL payroll in August. If you have not received a link please visit https://linkresend.orcinternational.com/UCLEmployeeSurvey2017 and ORC will resend your unique encrypted link to access the survey.
ORC are on hand to answer any queries you may have about the survey. Please email UCLEmployeeSurvey2017@orcsurvey.co.uk who will respond to your query within 24 hours.
If you wish to contact the HR Staff Survey team please email staffsurvey2017@ucl.ac.uk