
UCL Human Resources


Support for Departments

Athena SWAN Factsheets


In May 2015, the ‘new’ Athena SWAN charter was launched – the charter is now open to Arts, Humanities, Social Science, Business and Law departments, and covers professional services and technical staff. This document summarises the changes and additional requirements within the updated Athena SWAN application forms.

his document outlines the data sets provided to departments by HR and student data services. There is also a description of quick and simple ways of analysing this data.

f you fill in your data into the tables, the graphs will automatically update. You may have to refresh the data labels. You do not have to use these graphs in your application, but they are examples of how you could present your data in a clear format, including the raw numbers and percentages.

he action plan is a key section of the application, and the actions your include should follow on from the discussion and analysis presented in the application. You action plan should cover the next 3 years, and must be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely). If you chose not to use this template, please read the guidance included in this document.

any departments have decided to run surveys in their departments to gather further information and feedback from staff and students. This survey has been put together to support SWAN departments, who can use as many or as little of the suggested questions. Guidance on conducting a survey or focus group is also included.

•  Athena SWAN timeline: this will give an indication of the amount of work required to put together a successful application. This timeline represents the minimum required, and should act as a guide

•  Athena SWAN checklist: this has been created for departments to double check formatting and important information to include in the application before submitting draft applications to your EDI Manager, or the final submission to Athena SWAN.

•  A summary of feedback from Athena SWAN panels to date: when you apply for an award, the Athena SWAN assessment panels provide departments with feedback on their application. Feedback from UCL departments has been compiled and discussed.

•  UCL policies for SWAN departments: This document outlines UCL policies, initiatives, training and resources that Self Assessment Teams should be aware of.

•  Making the most of your Athena SWAN awardsonce you have been successful in achieving an Athena SWAN award, it is important to publicise the award within the department and externally. This document includes information and suggestions as to how to promote your award.

•  Guidance for Heads of Department: support for HoDs new to the SWAN process and are hoping to set up a Self Assessment Team (SAT)

•  Dean’s Checklist: The checklist will enable Deans to gain specific feedback from HoDs on key Athena SWAN criteria and ensuring that progress is being made.

•  Positive Action Guidance (from UCL Legal Services): Please refer to this guidance if you are considering positive action initiatives within your department. If you have any further questions, please contact UCL Legal Services

Mailing Lists

Women in SET mailing list: we send out articles and publications to people interested in issues relating to women in Science Engineering and Technology. Join the mailing list here.

SWAN leads mailing list: the Athena SWAN newsletters, information about Athena SWAN events, information and updates are sent via this mailing list. Join the mailing list here.

Useful Links

UCL women is a network for female academics (post docs and above) in STEMM. The network organise lectures, discussion and social events - please see their website or follow UCL women on twitter for upcoming events and details on how to get involved.

Women role models in medicine, surgery and dentistry - leading change: the Leadership in Medicine videos have been produced to address the question - how does a leader in medicine evolve? The women leading change subset of podcasts are particularly focused on the career progression and success of women in medicine and how they came to become leaders in their field.

SLMS academic role models

Guidance on supporting working parents and carers

Athena SWAN Resources from Equality Challenge Unit

You can find handbooks, membership letter templates, action plan templates, information about data and statistics, Self-Assessment Team (SAT) guidance and application forms on the Athena SWAN Resources web page.