Contract End Dates
1. UCL has to regularly report to the government how many of our staff have an upcoming Contract End Date and the End Date Reason and are therefore facing potential redundancy.
2. UCL also uses the Contract End Date to consult staff on the end of their employment and to support them through redeployment.
If these fields are populated when they shouldn’t be, or are populated incorrectly, we cannot report accurately and we cannot plan redundancies and redeployment properly.
Permanent staff and Academic staff should not have a Contract End Date.
3. When requesting a new contract in Talentlink, or creating a new contract in Department Transactions, or submitting a change to contract to extend an existing employee and/or update their funding, the following fields will be present and should be completed as follows:
- Funding start date
4. This must be completed for all staff, to signify when they will start being paid from.
- Funding end date
5. This should only be completed when there is a known funding end date. Talentlink/ Department Transactions will validate that the funding entered covers the duration of the appointment. For those on an “open-ended contract with a funding end date” or on a fixed term contract, the duration of funding entered should be the same date as the Contract End Date.
6. The funding end date field should only be populated for a permanent member of staff if they are temporarily being paid from a different funding stream e.g. a project fund.
- Contract End Date
7. It is very important to only populate the field if someone is on an “open-ended contract with a funding end date” or on a fixed term contract. The date must be the same as the Funding End Date.
It should not be populated if someone is a permanent member of staff or is an Academic on an Academic contract (with the job title Lecturer, Associate Professor or Professor) unless they are on a secondment.
8. Academics (with the job title Lecturer, Associate Professor or Professor) should not be put on an academic contract with a contract end date or a fixed term end date, unless you have been given express written permission by your Head of HR. Temporary posts should be filled by a researcher contract or a teaching contract.
9. Contract End Date field should not be populated if someone is a permanent member of staff OR an academic on an academic contract.
- End Date Reason
10. It is very important to only populate the field if someone is on an “open-ended contract with a funding end date” or on a fixed term contract and has a Contract end date or they are on a secondment. It should not be populated if someone is a permanent member of staff or an Academic unless they are on a secondment.
11. When choosing the End Date Reason only the following reasons should be used:
MYHR/Talentlink reason | Explanation |
FTC cover | Fixed term contract. Cover end-date (e.g. substantive post-holder is, on sabbatical leave or leave of absence or sickness absence or parental leave) |
FTC qualification | Fixed term contract End-date linked to the end of studies (e.g. PGTAs and Apprentices) |
FTC project | Fixed term contract To make short term appointments which are project or task related normally not exceeding nine months. |
FTC external funding | Fixed term contract Short term contracts which are supported by limited external funding for a short period of time, normally not exceeding nine months. |
Open-ended with end-date | Open-ended contract with an end-date Open-ended contracts with grant/project/funding end dates. Used for research projects with external funding where the funding will expire. |
Secondment | Internal secondment contract The date the employee’s secondment is due to end. |
Last updated: Wednesday, April 24, 2024
HR Employment Policy Team
If you have any questions on this please contact