
UCL Human Resources


Consultation on UCL Leave Policy

UCL Leave Policy consultation page.

Online consultation is an opportunity to enhance and complement traditional consultation mechanisms and generate better policy and guidance outcomes for UCL.

Updated HR policies are being reformatted using a new common template and streamlined to provide easier access to information. This effectively separates core policy from the process and guidance. The policy is clearly identified with procedures and additional guidance, including a leave calculator and forms appended to the main policy document.

Proposed Changes 

The combined leave policy is intended to provide easy access to information on all types of leave following feedback from staff that it can be difficult to identify particular types of leave from the various leave policies.  The revised policy is intended to make accessing all leave and the associated entitlements more user friendly.  

The following main changes have been incorporated:

•    Combining all leave policies into one inclusive policy and procedure
•    The revised Special Leave policy encompasses carer’s, religious and domestic leave
•    Extends the list of dependants for bereavement and carer’s leave
•    Provides an annual leave calculator for As and When staff
•    Codifies right to attend medical appointments for gender reassignment
•    Extends eligibility for Sabbatical leave; and
•    Separates the procedure for booking and requesting leave

Consultation and approval process

These draft documents have been approved by the Human Resources Management Advisory Group (HRMAG). We have also negotiated the changes with colleagues from UCU, Unison and Unite through a sub-committee of the Joint Consultative and Negotiating Group (JCNG) which commenced on 10th October 2017. Although we have achieved agreement to these proposed changes further comments from staff are being invited.  Any further changes will be subject to the approval of the Human Resources Policy Committee (HRPC).

Application of Policy

It is proposed that this new policy will apply to all current UCL employees and new staff appointed from the date the implementation date.

All employees and other stakeholders are being invited and encouraged to review the proposed documents and share their comments by 18 July 2018. 

Policy under reviewOn-line Consultation expiry dateDocument Links
UCL Leave 18 July 2018



How to provide comments

  • Review the draft policy documents.
  • Enter the relevant part of the document and any feedback in the online form and press the ‘submit’ button.
  • To guarantee consideration, comments must be received by 5.00 pm on the date the consultation closes i.e. 18 July 2018.
  • All comments will be treated confidentially and will not be used for any other purpose. 

Provide Comments via online form