


MARS Seminars and Resources

Central London offers an unrivalled concentration of resources, lectures, seminars and other events relating to the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

UCL MARS staff and students host and participate in a wide range of the following seminars and events.

UCL Seminars and Lectures

London Seminars and Lectures

For information on medieval events, contact Professor Sophie Page.

For email bulletins of Renaissance events, visit The Courtauld.


MARS students can access the collections of the following research libraries, all of which are within five or six minutes' walking distance of UCL.

These libraries hold collections of Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, fifteenth- and sixteenth-century printed books, digitised collections and repertoria. Together, they constitute one of the best concentrations of resources for Medieval and Renaissance studies in the world.

London offers many other resources for Medieval and Renaissance scholars; The National Gallery, the Victoria & Albert Museum, and Lambeth Palace Library are just a few examples.

Digital Resources

Module tutors and dissertation supervisors can advise students on the use of subject-specific digital resources. The following are a few general digital resources that MARS students may find useful: