


PhD guidelines


Timeline: for full-time students the upgrade to PhD occurs within 12-18 months from the start of their MPhil. In most cases that means an upgrade during the first or second term of year two. Part-time students, whose programme of study is typically five years, should upgrade within 20-30 months of their study, usually during the first or second term of the third year.

The student's written submission: for a list all of items for inclusion, see PGR handbook/website: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/history/postgraduatestudy/researchdegrees

Before the upgrade:

  • First supervisor: ensure that the Research log has been completed by student and yourself.
  • First supervisor: ensure that student's submission is complete and is suitable, in particular that the `substantial piece of written work' is based on primary source materials as well as historiography. In the great majority of cases, a draft dissertation introduction would not meet this requirement and would not be deemed suitable.

Attendees at the student's RTS presentation: 1st and 2nd supervisor, external supervisor, PG Tutor. Please make sure the PG Tutor informed in advance of any unavoidable absences.

Forms to be completed:

  • By the PG Tutor: Departmental upgrade form. To be completed during the presentation and panel meeting, for signatures by both Supervisors, External Examiner, and PG Tutor at the end of the panel (if the student is successful). Available on staff intranet (http://www.ucl.ac.uk/history/staff-intranet/research_degrees).


Change to CRS status:

  • Inform PG Tutor and PG Administrator when student is ready to update status to CRS. PG Administrator will then email Student Records to update the portico.

At least 4 months prior to submission of thesis:

The following forms (go to http://www.ucl.ac.uk/current-students/research_degrees/rd_exam_entry) need to be submitted:

  • FIRST SUPERVISOR to complete and hand the following to PGR Tutor with originals to be sent to Research Degrees, Registry.

1. Exam entry form

2. Examiner nomination form

Submission of thesis:

  • STUDENT to deliver to Student Records, Registry (alongside thesis):

1. Thesis deposit agreement form

2. Abstract of thesis form

We need to retain copies of all paperwork, so please do not take forms to the Registry independently, but always leave with the PG Tutor.

EXAMINATION RE-ENTRY (for students with corrections)

  • FIRST SUPERVISOR to do the following:
  1. Submit a new exam entry form to Research Degrees
  2. Email Research Degrees to confirm that there are/are no changes to the examiners and that there are/are no changes to their contact address
  • STUDENT to do the following:

Submit two new copies to Student Records, Registry