Professor John Sabapathy Inaugural Lecture
29 November 2023, 6:30 pm–9:00 pm

Join UCL History to celebrate John Sabapathy's professorship with a lecture in the Gustave Tuck followed by a reception in the Haldane. There will be a welcome from Dr Antonio Sennis (UCL) and an introduction by Professor Alice Taylor (KCL) and appreciation from Professor John Arnold (Cambridge).
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
- Free
Izzie Harvey – UCL History
Gustave TuckWilkins BuildingGower StreetLondonWC1E 6BT
About the Speaker
Professor John Sabapathy
Professor of History at UCL History
John Sabapathy is Professor of History. He works on pre-modern European history and the Anthropocene (the proposed epoch in which humans became geological forces globally). He co-founded and co-convenes UCL Anthropocene with colleagues in the Faculty of Social and Historical Sciences and beyond.
His research has focused on problems of accountability, institutions, and government. Officers and Accountability in Medieval England won the Royal Historical Society’s Whitfield Prize, and a co-edited collection, Individuals and Institutions in Medieval Scholasticism, was published in 2020. He has been a Leverhulme Trust Research Fellow and a Directeur d’études invité at the Écoles des hautes études en sciences sociales. His projects include a history of thirteenth-century Europe, ‘emergency history’ in the Anthropocene, and a new project on the land of Cockaigne, the subject of this inaugural lecture.
More about Professor John Sabapathy