


Alumni evening: Dr Sophie Page

23 November 2018, 6:30 pm–9:00 pm

Photograph of a book, 'The Discoverie of Witches', printed in 1647. The left-hand page is an illustration of witch-finder general, Matthew Hopkins.

UCL History's next alumni lecture and drinks evening will feature a talk by our lecturer in Medieval History, Dr Sophie Page.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to

UCL alumni






Jessica Hindes – History
020 3108 1149


Wilkins Garden Room
050: Bernard Katz Building
Gower Street
United Kingdom

We're happy to invite all UCL History alumni to our next lecture and social evening, which will take place on Friday 23 November at 18:30 for 19:00. The evening will begin with wine and finger food before a short talk by Dr Sophie Page.

Sophie will be speaking on 'Magical Thinking, Past and Present'. The talk will draw on Sophie's established research into magic in the Middle Ages and will also discuss her work as lead curator of the exhibition 'Spellbound: Magic, Ritual and Witchcraft', currently showing at Oxford's Ashmolean Museum (until 6 January 2019). 

There will be an opportunity for questions, networking and further drinks after the talk.

These events are attended by alumni from all generations, as well as current staff and students, and booking is not required.  

We look forward to seeing you then!


About the Speaker

Sophie Page

Lecturer in Medieval History at UCL

Sophie Page joined UCL History as a permanent lecturer in 2002 after studying at the Warburg Institute, UCL and Cambridge. 

Sophie works in the area of European medieval magic and astrology, especially in relation to orthodox religion, natural philosophy, medicine, and cosmology. She is also interested in the imagery of medieval magic, especially diagrams, and in the history of animals in the Middle Ages.

Sophie's most recent book, Magic in the Cloister: Pious Motives, Illicit Interests, and Occult Approaches to the Medieval Universe, was published in October 2013. In addition, she has published an edited collection, The Unorthodox Imagination in Late Medieval Britain, articles on learned magic, astrology, and the cultural history of animals, and two books with the British Library: Astrology in Medieval Manuscripts and Magic in Medieval Manuscripts. Sophie is currently working on a book on animals and demons in the Middle Ages and an article on diagrams in medieval magic texts.

More about Sophie Page