Shaping a sustainable future: transformative technology at UCL
24 April 2023, 1:00 pm–6:30 pm

Grand Challenge of Transformative Technology (GCTT) Working Group is hosting a public event at UCL on Monday 24 April (1-6:30 pm) at Object-Based Learning Lab (OBL Lab) and North Cloisters.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff
- Yes
- Free
Marina Chang
North CloistersGower StreetLondonWC1E 6AE
This event is an integral part of the Grand Challenges, Grand Impacts Exhibition at UCL South Cloisters. The event aims to demonstrate a range of transformative technologies across UCL; discuss what value the GCTT adds to cross-disciplinary collaboration at UCL; and explore how GCTT can contribute to the evolved Grand Challenges Programme.
Registration will open at 1:00 pm in the North Cloisters with talks and roundtable discussions taking place in the OBL Lab. You are welcome to join us for any or all of the programme as may suit your schedule (outline below).
Outline programme:
13:00 Registration (North Cloisters)
13:30 Short presentations (including opening remarks, OBL Lab)
14:45 Tea/Coffee break (North Cloisters)
15:15 Roundtable discussions (including closing remarks, OBL Lab)
16:45 - 18:30 Mini exhibition, interactive activities, food/drink reception, and networking (North Cloisters)
Confirmed speakers:
- Prof. Marc-Olivier Coppens (Nature Inspired Engineering, Chemical Engineering)
- Prof. Patty Kostkova (Digital Health, Faculty of Maths and Physical Sciences)
- Prof. Diana Laurillard (UCL Knowledge Lab, IOE)
- Prof. Jack Stilgoe (UCL Science and Technology Studies)
- Prof. Robert Biel (UCL Bartlett Development Planning Unit)
- Dr. Michael Sulu (UCL Biochemical Engineering) and Dr. Zoe Laughlin (UCL Institute of Making)