Exploring the Dynamics of Globalisation in Coastal Communities
Identifying new theories and methods of researching youth attitudes towards mobility and migration.
3 October 2018
This project aimed to identify research methods and cross-disciplinary intersections that will give greater insight into how the dynamics of globalisation are shaping youth aspirations and attitudes towards mobility and migration. The project focused in particular on young people age 15-16 that were living in coastal communities in England.
Conducting three workshops in a secondary school, the aim was to identify the spaces and places that young people feel they can use. To do so, the project utilised a range of methods and creative techniques, including asking the students to draw maps of their town. For this exercise, the students were given about 5 minutes to create a map to show where they go and where they feel safe. The maps they produced highlighted the different types and levels of mobility within the group (a selection of these images can be found on the blog series outlined below). The results of this pilot project led to follow on funding and a scaling up of activities to examine other coastal areas.