
UCL Global


UCL Cities Partnerships Programme Stockholm: Research & Innovation Summit, Summer 2021

15 June 2021, 10:00 am–1:00 pm

Logos of the UCL Cities Partnerships Programme, and the universities of the Stockholm Trio

Launch event of UCL Cities Partnerships Programme with Stockholm, around the start of the Horizon Europe funding programme.

This event is free.

Event Information

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UCL Cities Partnerships Programme Team

This high-level event gathers the four partner institutions: Karolinska Institutet (KI), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm University (SU), and UCL, around the start of the Horizon Europe funding programme for research and innovation.

This is an early initiative of the UCL Cities Partnerships Programme: a strategic UCL initiative which supports, funds and promotes work between scholars in London and their peers in global cities, with the aim of developing sustainable research and teaching partnerships across disciplines.  Stockholm joins Rome and Paris as partner cities in this academic year.

The Summit will offer a strategic overview of the Horizon Europe Programme, with a focus on the collaboration opportunities aligning to the thematic focus areas of the UCL and Stockholm Partnership, and provide an opportunity to profile the organisations’ research strengths in climate and health, as well as the cities’ innovation actors.

The Summit will be of interest to senior colleagues involved in leading or overseeing research & innovation in the private and public sectors, and in the academy.


Key speakers will include:

  • Principal Investigators of highly successful research partnerships in climate change, health and new frontiers.
  • Dr Daria Tataj, Expert on innovation networks, Former Chair of Advisors to EU Commissioner for Research and Innovation, and World Economic Forum’s Digital Leader (2017)
  • Philippe Froissard, Head of Unit: Cities Mission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission
  • Professor David Price, UCL Vice-Provost Research, Innovation & Global Engagement
  • Professor Stefan Östlund, KTH Vice President Global relations (representing the Stockholm Trio)
  • Senior figures from the city and region of Stockholm, and the Greater London Authority