
UCL Global


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The Global Engagement team, Pro-Vice-Provost (Global Engagement), and networks of Global Strategic Academic Advisors and Vice-Deans (International) work together to help forge connections, collaborations and relationships between people at UCL and other universities, companies and organisations around the world.

Are you a global partner interested in collaborating with UCL? See our regional pages for the latest news from your area, and to contact the relevant Senior Global Engagement Manager. We'd love to hear from you.

Are you a UCL staff member? Contact us for guidance and support with:

  • Global partnerships and collaborations, from concept and proposal onwards
  • International delegation visits, both inbound and outbound
  • Regional advice, expertise and knowledge sharing
  • Global communications and telling UCL's global story
Vice-Provost (RIGE)

Professor Geraint Rees

Vice-Provost (Research, Innovation & Global Engagement)

Geraint took up the role of UCL Vice-Provost (Research, Innovation & Global Engagement) in May 2022, having served as Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences from 2014-2022.

He is responsible for providing vision and academic leadership for UCL’s world-leading research, knowledge exchange and global engagement, bringing together a range of functions, services and resources in order to maximise UCL’s impact on the world.

Professor Geraint Rees Vice-Provost RIGE
Pro-Vice-Provost (Global Engagement)

Professor David Coen

Pro-Vice-Provost (Global Engagement) 

David Coen is the founding Director of the Institute of Global Governance at UCL. Previously he was Head of Department of Political Science from 2010 to 2018. He has held the Fulbright Distinguished Fellowship at Harvard University and visiting fellowships at Harvard, Boston University, the Max Planck Institute, Koln, Sciences Po Paris, and the European University Institute, Florence.

David helps shape UCL’s strategic approach to global engagement, while providing academic leadership that ensures GE effectively coordinates strategic input from UCL’s networks of Vice-Deans (International) and Global Strategic Academic Advisors. 

David Coen headshot
Global Strategic Academic Advisors

The GSAAs play an important strategic role as a catalyst for UCL’s engagement in their particular region.

They welcome international delegations to UCL and act as ambassadors and advocates for UCL's work internationally.

Director Katharine Carruthers

Global Strategic Academic Advisor (China)
Email: k.carruthers@ucl.ac.uk

Katharine Carruthers is the Director of the IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society Confucius Institute for Schools. Her research interests centre around teaching and learning of Chinese as a foreign language in schools, the notion of intercultural competence in Chinese and UK schools and globalisation and language policy.

Katharine chairs the East Asia Network.

Katharine Carruthers - UCL Global Engagement Office

Dr Uta Staiger

Global Strategic Academic Advisor (Europe)
Email: u.staiger@ucl.ac.uk

Uta Staiger is Executive Director of the UCL European Institute. Her research interests are in mid-20th-century European thought seeking to straddle aesthetics and politics, and the role culture plays for ideas of citizenship in both political theory and European integration.

Dr Staiger chairs the Europe Network.

Dr Uta Staiger - UCL Global Engagement Office

Professor Monica Lakhanpaul 

Global Strategic Academic Advisor (India)
Email: m.lakhanpaul@ucl.ac.uk 

Professor Lakhanpaul is Professor of Integrated Community Child Health at the UCL GOS Institute of Child Heath. In 2016 she was appointed Head of Population, Policy and Practice. Professor Lakhanpaul’s research promotes citizen science and she particularly focuses on disability, asthma and nutrition as exemplar public health issues in South Asian families. 

Professor Lakhanpaul chairs the South Asia Network.

Professor Monica Lakhanpaul

Professor Julius Mugwagwa

Global Strategic Academic Advisor (Africa) 
Email: j.mugwagwa@ucl.ac.uk

Professor Mugwagwa is Professor of Health Innovation and Public Policy in UCL's Department of Science, Technology Engineering and Public Policy (UCL STEaPP), and currently serves as the Global Health Thematic Director of UCL’s Global Governance Institute. He has worked in veterinary research, pharmaceutical research and development and quality assurance and harmonisation of medicines regulatory systems in Africa.

Julius Mugwagwa
Vice-Deans (International)

The Vice-Deans (International) provide a Faculty focus for UCL's global activities – they help us tell the story of UCL’s global impact by discipline and department.

UCL Global Engagement works closely with the Vice-Deans (International) to facilitate global engagement across UCL.


Professor Dr Lasana Harris

Vice-Dean (International) for Brain Sciences
Email: lasana.harris@ucl.ac.uk

Lasana Harris completed post-doctorate research at New York University and held his first appointment as an Assistant Professor at Duke University, USA. He was Assistant Professor at Leiden University, the Netherlands and is now an Associate Professor in Experimental Psychology at UCL. His research explores the neural correlates of person perception and social decision-making.

lasana harris headshot

Professor Jolene Skordis

Vice-Dean (International) for Population Health Sciences

Email: j.skordis@ucl.ac.uk

Jolene Skordis is Director of UCL’s Centre for Global Health Economics, Deputy Director of the Institute for Global Health and Vice Chair of the European Global Health Research Institutes Network. She is an economist, specialising in health and development, and a regular advisor to the WHO and World Bank. Her work has directly influenced government policy in a range of countries. 

headshot of Professor Jolene Skordis

Professor John Hurst

Vice-Dean (International) for Medical Sciences
Email: j.hurst@ucl.ac.uk

John Hurst is Professor of Respiratory Medicine at UCL and an NIHR Global Research Professor (2024-2029). He is Associate Editor at the European Respiratory Journal and has previously served as the Non-Executive Director of an NHS Trust, Senior Clinical Lead to the UK National Asthma and COPD Audit Programme (NACAP), and Editor-in-Chief of the European Respiratory Monograph.

Professor John Hurst

Professor Tara Keck

Vice-Dean (International) for Life Sciences
Email: t.keck@ucl.ac.uk

Tara Keck is Professor of Neuroscience in the Division of Biosciences, where her research focuses on how experience and external factors shape the brain during adulthood and ageing.  She has worked in collaboration with the United Nations and NGOs on projects in a range of countries, examining how communities can be engaged to support mental well-being in underserved populations.  

Tara Keck headshot


Dr Isra Black

Vice-Dean (International) for Laws 

Email: isra.black@ucl.ac.uk 

Dr Isra Black is Associate Professor in Law and Vice Dean (International) in the Faculty of Laws, UCL. Isra's expertise lies at the intersection of health law and philosophy. The subjects of his work include the law of medical treatment (particularly as it concerns adolescents), mental capacity law, end of life decision-making (eg refusals of treatment and assisted death), health and human rights law, as well as the theorisation of health law as an area of legal practice and scholarly enquiry.

Dr Isra Black

Professor Sue Hamilton

Vice Dean (Research, Innovation & Global Engagement) for Social and Historical Sciences 

Email: s.hamilton@ucl.ac.uk

Professor Sue Hamilton is a Professor of Prehistory at the UCL Institute of Archaeology, where she was Director from 2014-2022. Throughout her career as an archaeologist, she has spearheaded and secured funding for innovative, interdisciplinary projects spanning diverse geographical areas, including the UK, China, Europe, the US and the Pacific. She serves as the Principal Investigator of the Rapa Nui (Easter Island) Landscapes of Construction Project (LOC). Sue and her team were the first British archaeologists to work on the island since 1914. 

Professor Sue Hamilton

Professor Florian Mussgnug

Vice-Dean (International) for Arts and Humanities 

Email: f.mussgnug@ucl.ac.uk

Florian Mussgnug is Professor of Comparative Literature and Italian Studies in SELCS. He has held visiting and honorary positions at Rome Sapienza University, the Universities of Siena, Roma Tre, Oxford and Cagliari, and the British School at Rome. From 2018-2021, he served as the first academic director of the UCL Cities Partnerships Programme, enabling the organisation of more than forty UCL-led international conferences and symposia in Rome.

Florian Mussgnug headshot


Professor Barbara Lipietz

Vice-Dean (International) for the Bartlett

Email: b.lipietz@ucl.ac.uk

Barbara Lipietz is Professor of Urban Development Planning at the Bartlett Development Planning Unit where her research and teaching focus on the governance of urban transformations. She has an extensive public engagement record with actors across scales in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Barbara is part of the editor collective for City and sits on the Board of Trustees for the IJURR Foundation.

Photo of Barbara Lipietz

Professor Tiziana Rossetto

Vice-Dean (International) for Engineering

Email: t.rossetto@ucl.ac.uk

Tiziana Rossetto is the founder and co-director of UCL EPICentre, a multidisciplinary research centre focused on studying natural hazard risks affecting communities and the built environment. She founded and teaches on the MSc Earthquake Engineering with Disaster Management. Tiziana has undertaken a number of field missions to assess damage to buildings and infrastructure in earthquake zones including the L'Aquila earthquake of 2009, the Wenchuan earthquake in China in 2008, the Kashmir earthquake of 2005, the Sumatra earthquake and tsunami of 2004, and the Bhuj earthquake in India in 2001.

Tiziana Rossetto

Professor Ofer Lahav

Vice-Dean (International) for MAPS

Email: o.lahav@ucl.ac.uk

Ofer Lahav is Perren Chair of Astronomy in the Astrophysics Group at UCL. He is also co-Director of the STFC-funded Centre for Doctoral Training in Data Intensive Science at UCL, established in 2017. Ofer's research area is observational cosmology, in particular probing and characterising dark matter and dark energy. His work involves advanced statistical methods e.g., machine learning for big data.

Headshot of Ofer Lahav


Professor John O'Regan 

Vice-Dean (International) for IOE

Email: john.oregan@ucl.ac.uk

John O’Regan is Professor of Critical Applied Linguistics at IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society, where he is also Deputy Director of the International Centre for Intercultural Studies. He has held visiting and honorary positions at South-Western University of Finance and Economics - Chengdu, Beijing Normal University, and the Universities of Granada, Negeri Jakarta, Chileno-Británica, Potosí, and National Taiwan Normal University. John’s research crosses applied linguistics, sociology, philosophy, history, international political economy, and education, with a specific focus on the political economy of English as a global language. He also speaks Spanish.

John headshot
Global Engagement team

View members of the Global Engagement team by function:

GE Directorate

Ciaran Moynihan, Director of UCL Global Engagement
ciaran.moynihan@ucl.ac.uk+44 (0)20 3108 7777 / internal 5777

Lorna Carsley, Executive Assistant to Director of Global Engagement
lorna.carsley@ucl.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 3108 8055 / internal 58055

Global Partnerships

Conor Rickford, Associate Director of Global Engagement
c.rickford@ucl.ac.uk+44 (0)20 3108 7785 / internal 57785 

Adam Walker, Associate Director of Global Engagement
adam.p.walker@ucl.ac.uk+44 (0)20 3108 7682 / internal 57682

Clément Leroy, Senior Global Engagement Manager (Americas & Australasia) 
c.leroy@ucl.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 3108 7400 / internal 57400

Funanani Nemaheni, Senior Global Engagement Manager (Africa & Middle East)
f.nemaheni@ucl.ac.uk+44 (0)20 3108 7793 / internal 57793

Dan Li, Senior Global Engagement Manager (East Asia)
li.dan@ucl.ac.uk+44 (0)20 3108 9044 / internal 59044

Dr Amit Khandelwal, Senior Global Engagement Manager (South & South East Asia)
amit.khandelwal@ucl.ac.uk+44 (0)20 3108 7811 / internal 57811

Rebecca Holt, Senior Global Engagement Manager (Europe)
rebecca.holt.ucl.ac.uk+44 (0)20 3108 5588 / internal 55588

Dr Yuchun Chiang Mathews, Strategic Global Initiatives Manager
y.mathews@ucl.ac.uk+44 (0)20 7679 8071 / internal 08071

Bryan Taylor, Senior Cities Partnerships Programme Manager
bryan.taylor@ucl.ac.uk+44 (0)20 3108 7780 / internal 57780

Abel Dorantes, Global Engagement Manager
abel.dorantes@ucl.ac.uk+44 (0)20 3108 5507 / internal 55507

Zhou Kuang, Global Engagement Manager
zhou.kuang@ucl.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7679 9741 / internal 09741

Siobhan O'Brien, Global Engagement Manager
siobhan.o’brien@ucl.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 3108 5509 / internal 55509

Mustafa Sakr, Global Engagement Manager
m.sakr@ucl.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 3108 9367 / internal 59367

Keiko Tsunekawa, Global Engagement Manager
k.tsunekawa@ucl.ac.uk+44 (0)20 3108 5508 / internal 55508

Annie Brown, Global Engagement Officer
a.m.brown@ucl.ac.uk+44 (0)20 3108 7575 / internal 57575

Programme Management

Chris Cook, Senior Global Programme Manager
c.cook@ucl.ac.uk+44 (0)20 3108 7566 / internal 57566

Sophia Hilt, Global Programme Manager
s.hilt@ucl.ac.uk+44 (0)20 3108 7566 / internal 57795

Toni Blunden, Team & Programme Co-ordinator
t.blunden@ucl.ac.uk+44 (0)20 3108 7818 / internal 57818


Sophie Vinter, Senior Global Engagement Communications Manager 
s.vinter@ucl.ac.uk+44 (0)20 3108 7787 / internal 57787

Shuyue Ren, Communications Officer
shuyue.r@ucl.ac.uk+44 (0)20 3108 1701 / internal 59842