The aim of the module is to introduce students to the key principles involved in designing, planning and implementing programs to improve sexual and reproductive health, particularly in low and middle income settings.
By the end of the module, students should be able to understand:
- The definition of sexual health, including concepts of gender and sexuality;
- The use of conceptual frameworks for understanding the factors that impact on sexual health;
- The evidence for and the limitations of the various tools and interventions available for improving sexual health;
- The historical basis for separation and the current evidence for integrating sexual and reproductive health services;
- The tools available for project development, costing and management;
- The tools available for monitoring and evaluation of the program including surveillance;
- The specific needs and requirements of vulnerable populations such as female sex worker, sexual minorities and men who have sex with men;
- The use of structural interventions in the context of sexual health
Module Code: GLBH0040
UCL Credits: 15
Module Organisers: Maryam Shamanesh (Institute for Global Health)
Please direct queries to the Course Administration team in the first instance:
Who can study this course?
MSc and PG Dip students: Open to all UCL MSc/PG Dip Global Health and Development, and to any UCL MSc/PG Dip students.
Taster students: UK Bachelor's degree in a relevant/allied subject awarded with a 1st or upper 2nd class Honours or an equivalent qualification. Two academic or professional reference letters.
Short course students: Professional work experience in a relevant area and/or UK Bachelor's degree in a relevant/allied subject awarded with a 1st or 2 class Honours or an equivalent qualification.
In addition to the above, all students must demonstrate a GOOD standard of English Proficiency with 6.5 in each of the subtests.
Admission Requirements
MSc and PG Dip students: Open to all UCL MSc/PG Dip Global Health and Development, and to any UCL MSc/PG Dip students.
Course length | 3 weeks |
Course dates | TBC |
Days and times | TBC |
Teaching and learning methods
Learning is through a combination of lectures, group work and self-directed reading. The lectures will introduce students to the key components of effective sexual health interventions. Students will then engage in self-directed learning, seminars and group work to develop and present their own intervention to improve sexual and reproductive health in response to a particular real life based scenario.
Written group project proposal (50% overall of which the individual mark is 10%, the group mark is 30% and peer feedback is 10%) and group proposal presentation (50% overall, of which the individual mark is 40%, and the overall proposal is 10%).
Selected Reading List
Adler M et al. ABC of Sexually Transmitted Infections, 5th edition. BMJ Book.
Collumbien M et al (2012): Social science methods for research on sexual and reproductive health, WHO Geneva.
Kent Buse et al (2006) Management of the politics of evidence-based sexual and reproductive health policy Lancet; 368: 2101-03
The lancet series on HIV prevention (2008) Lancet; 372