
Institute for Global Health



Centre of excellence for personalised medicine of infectious complications in immune deficiency

Project Summary 

PERSIMUNE works from the hypothesis that across patients with impaired immune function, there is a common pattern of un-discovered risk factors explaining the variation in risk of infectious complications.

PERSIMUNE uses all hospital patients as the research platform and patient data are collected across the various departments involved in the research at Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen.  The PERSIMUNE data warehouse contained demographic, clinical and para-clinical data from electronic health records across regional and national electronic data repositories in Denmark as well as data generated from routine patient treatment within Rigshospitalet.

The initial aim of PERSIMUNE is to understand the mechanisms explaining the variation in risk of infectious complications using a diverse set of methodologies, including pattern recognition from big data obtained from routine care, studies of host and microbial genetics, imaging, and immunological characterization.

The research findings will be validated and used to personalise interventions aimed at reducing infectious complications. 

Key Project Information

Dates: February 2015 - (ongoing)

Status: Current

UCL lead/Principal Investigator: Professor Amanda Mocroft

Partners: CHIP – Centre of Excellence for Health, Immunity and Infections, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (lead partner)

Location: Denmark

Funding: PERSIMUNE is funded by the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF 126)

Contact: http://www.persimune.dk/Home/Contact

Website: www.persimune.dk/

Research Team

Amanda Mocroft

Ashley Roen

Qiuju Li