Engagement, art and the Sustainable Development Goals: connecting communities with goals in rural Nepal
Project Summary
Our project engages a community in Janakpur in the southern plains of Nepal about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) using intergenerational discussions between artists and students, co-creative wall painting, and an SDG festival at a local school.
Specifically we will:
• Produce images of relevance to young and old which represent the SDGs and their meaning to local communities from the Mithila culture
• Enable discussion about the achievement of the SDGs, and what might facilitate or impede their achievement among teachers, students, artists, political representatives, health workers and community members
• Provide an exemplar about how to engage communities in the achievement of the SDGs.
Key Project Information
Dates: 1st March 2021- 31st July 2021
Principal Investigator: Dr Joanna Morrison
Status: Current
Partners: Janakpur Women’s Development Centre
United Nations, Nepal Country Office
Location: Nepal and London
Funding: UCL Grand Challenges
Contact: Joanna.morrison@ucl.ac.uk
Blog: BMJ blog
- Research Team
Dr Joanna Morrison - IGH
Mr Satish Sah - Janakpur Women’s Development Centre
Ms Simrika Sharma - United Nations Nepal
Ms Sara Wong - UCL Institute for Global Health