
Institute for Global Health


Population science of maternal and child survival


Project Summary

The goal of this 5-year programme was to reduce maternal and child mortality and morbidity in high mortality populations in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. It aimed to do this by building a global network of high quality scientists and population field sites to generate research evidence to improve policy and practice for maternal and child survival in Bangladesh, India, Malawi and Nepal. The programme brought together IGH, MIRA (Nepal), SNEHA (Mumbai, India), PACHI (Malawi), MaiMwana (Malawi), BADAS (Bangladesh) and Ekjut (Jharkhand and Orissa, India).

Key Project Information

Dates: Dec 2008 - Nov 2014

Principal Investigator: Prof Anthony Costello

Partners: MIRA (Nepal)  |  SNEHA (Mumbai, India)  |  PACHI (Malawi)  |  MaiMwana (Malawi)  |  BADAS (Bangladesh)  |  Ekjut (Jharkhand and Orissa, India).

Location: Nepal, Malawi, Bangladesh and India

Funding: Wellcome Trust

Contact: audrey.prost@ucl.ac.uk

Research Team

Prof Anthony Costello

Prof Audrey Prost

MIRA (Nepal) lead : Professor DS Manandhar

Perinatal Care Project (Bangladesh) lead: Professor Kishwar Azad

Ekjut lead: Dr Prasanta Tripathy

SNEHA lead: Neena Shah More

MaiMwana and PACHI (Malawi) lead: Dr Charles Mwansambo


The Lancet meta-analysis of women's group trials (PDF)


WHO recommendation on community mobilisation through facilitated participatory learning and action cycles with women's groups for maternal and newborn health


WTSA women's groups trials comparative dataset (request access)