Participatory Development of an Impact Evaluation Model and Toolkit for Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) (in Uganda and Malawi)

Project Summary
In the context of the wide practice of Community Based Rehabilitation as a cross-sectoral strategy for supporting disabled people in middle and low income settings, the study aims to develop a conceptual model and tools for the participatory evaluation of the impact of CBR on the lives of people with disabilities.
The approach draws on evaluation methodologies used in other development arenas but which have not previously been used systematically in the disability sector. (eg Outcome Mapping, PADEV, Most Significant Change and others). The model and tools are being trialled in fieldsites in Malawi and Uganda using locally employed research teams which include disabled people as evaluators as well as informants.
The final output will be a clear systematic process which can be used flexible in a wide variety of types of CBR programmes in different cultural contexts and at different levels of depth and detail. This should provide a method of evaluation which can inform future practice for individual programmes, but also allow some comparison across programmes and approaches to support and rehabilitation for disabled people.
Key Project Information
Dates: May 2013 - Nov 2015
Principal Investigator: Dr Mary Wickenden
Partners: Enablement NL | Royal Tropical Institute Amsterdam NL | University of Cape Town SA | MACOHA (Malawi) | NUDIPU (Uganda) | NAD Norwegian Association of the Disabled
Location: Uganda and Malawi
Funding: Australian Government Aid Programme DFAT (ADRA)
- Research Team
Rachel Gondwe
Huib Corneilje, Enablement
Erik Post, Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)
Margie Schneider, University of Cape Town
PIE resources
Evaluating the impact of CBR - presentation