Project Summary
We will engage with communities about type 2 diabetes through research, drama, and a funfair in rural plains Nepal.
We will work with the Janakpur Women's Development Centre artists and independent artists to explore how type 2 diabetes is experienced and understood. Artists will interact with those who have diabetes, those at risk of diabetes, and health workers from the public and private sectors.
Artists will then produce traditional Maithil paintings, props, interactive displays, and games for a large funfair. Artists will also prepare a drama about type 2 diabetes which will be performed in surrounding villages.
We aim to increase knowledge, understanding, and motivation to prevent and control diabetes using participatory research and art.
Key Project Information
Dates: May 2018-June 2019
UCL lead/Principal Investigator: Dr Joanna Morrison
Partners: Janakpur Women's Development Centre, HERD International, Media for Development, Susie Vickery, Claire Burkert
Location: Nepal
Funding: Wellcome Trust
Contact: joanna.morrison@ucl.ac.uk
- Research Team
Joanna Morrison
Abriti Arjyal (Herd International)
Susie Vickery
Claire Burkert
Dinesh Deokota (Media for Development)
Blog post on HERD International website about the Jeevan Shakti Mela (in Nepali)
UCL public engagement case study
Local press coverage of the Jeevan Shakti Mela (in Nepali)
Article on Mesh Community Engagement Network website
Project video - short version (link to YouTube)
Project video - longer version (link to YouTube)