
Institute for Global Health


Analysis of the Impact of Anaemia Reduction and Control Strategies

Analysis of the Impact of Anaemia Reduction and Control Strategies in Emergency-Affected Refugee Populations

analysis anaemia - seal

Project Summary 

Since 2009, UCL has been involved in projects and technical assistance to support the work of UNHCR's High Commissioner's Special Project on the prevention, control and reduction of anaemia in refugees.

Working in close collaboration with The Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN), a package of technical assistance has supported UNHCR by providing on the ground support, staff training, and the development of assessment and intervention guidelines.

One of these guidelines was the UNHCR Operational Guidance on the use of Special Nutritional Products (2011).

This project involved the preparation of an addendum to the Operational Guidance on the use of special Nutritional products. This was required to address the increasing use of modified fortified blended foods, such as CSB ++ (SuperCereal Plus).