Stay in touch with UCL Dutch!
If you have studied at UCL for more than three months then you are a member of the UCL Alumni Network. For information on everything that is available to former students of UCL please visit the dedicated UCL Alumni website. Among other things you can get a UCL Alumni Benefits cards which offers you continued access to the Dutch library and much more.
We also invite all alumni and friends of the department to stay in touch by joining this Linked-In group, free of any obligation. The intention is to create a network and community and enable exchange between alumni across the years.
Your department needs you!
We want to make sure that our students have the best possible education at UCL. You can help us to provide this by making a gift to UCL Dutch. Your generosity will provide us with a source of income which can be used to respond to needs and opportunities as and when they arise. From supporting student scholarships to investing in new facilities, 100% of your gift will be directed to areas of the greatest importance within the department. You can make a gift online using a credit or debit card or set up a regular donation using direct debit.
If you wish to discuss making a gift to your department please do not hesitate to contact the Annual Fund team on +44 (0)20 7679 9741.