Herman Gorter translated by Paul Vincent
We are pleased to announce the launch of Paul Vincent's new translation of poetry by Herman Gorter, published this month with UCL Press. Join us on Tuesday 27 October to celebrate the launch! Paul will introduce his new translation and read a few poems from the collection.

1 October 2015
Commonly viewed as a revolutionary and propagandist Herman Gorter (1864-1927) is often overlooked despite his lasting contribution to Dutch poetry. This new selection of thirty-one poems focuses on Gorter's experimental love and nature lyrics in Poems of 1890, and the Introduction sets the poems in the context of his earlier seminal work 'Mei' (May) as well as his often neglected Socialist verse.
The translator
Paul Vincent became a full-time translator in 1989, after teaching Dutch at the University of London for over twenty years. He has translated a wide variety of poetry, non-fiction and fiction. In 2011, having twice won the Reid Poetry Translation Prize, he was awarded the Vondel Dutch Translation Prize for his version of Louis Paul Boon's My Little War.
The publisher
UCL Press is the first fully Open Access University Press in the UK. It seeks to use modern technologies and 21st-century means of publishing/dissemination radically to change the prevailing models for the publication of research outputs. Grounded in the Open Science/Open Scholarship agenda, UCL Press will seek to make its published outputs available to a global audience, irrespective of their ability to pay, because UCL believes that this is the best way to tackle global Grand Challenges such as poverty, disease, and hunger.