Find recent alcohol related papers by ARIG researchers.
- Ng Fat L, Bell S, Britton A. (2020). A life-time of hazardous drinking and harm to health among older adults: findings from the Whitehall II prospective cohort study. Addiction. doi: 10.1111/add.15013. [Epub ahead of print]
- Britton A, Fat LN, Neligan A. (2020). The association between alcohol consumption and sleep disorders among older people in the general population. Sci Rep. 10(1):5275. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-62227-0.
- Jackson, S., Beard, E., Michie, S., West, R., Brown, J. (2020). Is the use of e-cigarettes for smoking cessation associated with alcohol consumption? A population-level survey of successful quitters in England. Addictive Behaviors, doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2019.106138
- Marsden, J., Darke, S., Hall, W., Hickman, M., Holmes, J., Humphreys, K., ...West, R. (2020). Mitigating and learning from the impact of COVID-19 infection on addictive disorders. Addiction, doi:10.1111/add.15080
- Jandackova VK, Scholes S, Britton A, Steptoe A. (2019). Healthy Lifestyle and Cardiac Vagal Modulation Over 10 Years: Whitehall II Cohort Study. J Am Heart Assoc. 8(19):e012420. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.119.012420.
- Britton A. (2019). Moderate alcohol consumption and total mortality risk: Do not advocate drinking for 'health benefits'. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 29(10):1009-1010. doi: 10.1016/j.numecd.2019.06.007.
- Ntouva A, Porter J, Crawford MJ, Britton A, Gratus C, Newton T, Tsakos G, Heilmann A, Pikhart H, Watt RG. (2019). Alcohol Screening and Brief Advice in NHS General Dental Practices: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial. Alcohol Alcohol. 1;54(3):235-242. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agz017.
- Naimi TS, Stadtmueller LA, Chikritzhs T, Stockwell T, Zhao J, Britton A, Saitz R, Sherk A. (2019). Alcohol, Age, and Mortality: Estimating Selection Bias Due to Premature Death. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2019 Jan;80(1):63-68.
- Mawditt C, Sacker A, Britton A, Kelly Y, Cable N. (2019). The stability of health-related behaviour clustering during mid-adulthood and the influence of social circumstances on health-related behaviour change. Prev Med. 121:141-148. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2019.02.009.
- Britton A, Mehta G, O'Neill D, Bell S. (2019). Association of thirty-year alcohol consumption typologies and fatty liver: Findings from a large population cohort study. Drug Alcohol Depend. 1;194:225-229. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2018.10.026.
- Towers A, Szabó Á, Newcombe DAL, Sheridan J, Moore AA, Hyde M, Britton A, Martinez P, Minicuci N, Kowal P, Clausen T, Savage CL. (2019). Hazardous Drinking Prevalence and Correlates in Older New Zealanders: A Comparison of the AUDIT-C and the CARET. J Aging Health. 31(10):1770-1789. doi: 10.1177/0898264318794108.
- Case, P., Ng Fat, L. & Shelton, N. (2019) Exploring the characteristics of newly defined at-risk drinkers following the change to the UK low risk drinking guidelines: a retrospective analysis using Health Survey for England data. BMC Public Health 19:902
- Whitaker V, Oldham M., Angus, C., Fairbrother H, & Holmes J (2019). The problem with good news: How should public health actors respond when alcohol consumption declines? Addiction.
- Livingston, M., Holmes, J., Oldham, M., Vashishtha, R. & Pennay, A. (2019). Trends in the sequence of first alcohol, cannabis and cigarette use in Australia, 2001-2016. Drug and Alcohol Reviews.
- Oldham M., Callinan, S., Whitaker V, Fairbrother H, Curtis P., Meier, P., Livingston, M. & Holmes J (2019). Are all young people drinking less? A quantile regression analysis of the consistency of alcohol consumption across the consumption distribution. Addiction.
- Oldham M., Whitaker V., Fairbrother H, Curtis P., & Holmes J (2019). Youth Drinking in Decline. (Report published online).
- Perski, O., Lumsden, J., Garnett, C., Blandford, A., West, R., Michie, S. (2019). Assessing the Psychometric Properties of the Digital Behavior Change Intervention Engagement Scale in Users of an App for Reducing Alcohol Consumption: Evaluation Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research,
- Szinay, D., Tombor, I., Garnett, C., Boyt, N., West, R. (2019). Associations between self-esteem and smoking and excessive alcohol consumption in the UK: A cross-sectional study using the BBC UK Lab database. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 10 doi:10.1016/j.abrep.2019.100229
- Beard, E.V., Brown, J., West, R., Kaner, E., Meier, P., Boniface, S., Michie, S. (2019). Associations between socio-economic factors and alcohol consumption: a population survey of adults in England. PLoS ONE, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0209442
- Perski, O., Naughton, F., Garnett, C., Blandford, A., Beard, E., West, R., Michie, S. (2019). Do Daily Fluctuations in Psychological and App-Related Variables Predict Engagement With an Alcohol Reduction App? A Series of N-Of-1 Studies.. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 7 (10), e14098. doi:10.2196/14098
- Beard, E., Brown, J., West, R., Drummond, C., Kaner, E. (2019). Predictive validity, diagnostic accuracy and test-retest reliability of the Strength of Urges to Drink (SUTD) scale. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, doi:10.3390/ijerph16193714
- Garnett, C.V., Perski, O., Tombor, I., West, R., Michie, S., Brown, J. (2019). Predictors of engagement, response to follow-up and extent of alcohol reduction in users of a smartphone app (Drink Less). JMIR mHealth and uHealth, doi:10.2196/11175
- Perski, O., Jackson, S., Garnett, C., West, R., Brown, J. (2019). Trends in and factors associated with the adoption of digital aids for smoking cessation and alcohol reduction: A population survey in England. Drug and Alcohol Dependence,
- Beard, E., Marsden, J., Brown, J., Tombor, I., Stapleton, J., Michie, S., West, R. (2019). Understanding and using time series analyses in addiction research.. Addiction, doi:10.1111/add.14643
- Garnett, C., Michie, S., West, R., Brown, J. (2019). Updating the evidence on the effectiveness of the alcohol reduction app, Drink Less: using Bayes factors to analyse trial datasets supplemented with extended recruitment [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]. F1000 Research, doi:10.12688/f1000research.17952.1
- Garnett, C., Michie, S., West, R., Brown, J. (2019). Updating the evidence on the effectiveness of the alcohol reduction app, Drink Less: using Bayes factors to analyse trial datasets supplemented with extended recruitment [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. F1000Research, doi:10.12688/f1000research.17952.2
- O'Neill D, Britton A, Hannah MK, Goldberg M, Kuh D, Khaw KT, Bell S. (2018). Association of longitudinal alcohol consumption trajectories with coronary heart disease: a meta-analysis of six cohort studies using individual participant data. BMC Med. 16(1):124. doi: 10.1186/s12916-018-1123-6.
- Sabia S, Fayosse A, Dumurgier J, Dugravot A, Akbaraly T, Britton A, Kivimäki M, Singh-Manoux A. (2018). Alcohol consumption and risk of dementia: 23 year follow-up of Whitehall II cohort study. BMJ. 1;362:k2927. doi: 10.1136/bmj.k2927.
- Knott CS, Britton A, Bell S. (2018). Trajectories of alcohol consumption prior to the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes: a longitudinal case-cohort study. Int J Epidemiol. 47(3):953-965. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyx274.
- Crane, D., Garnett, C., Michie, S., West, R., Brown, J. (2018). A smartphone app to reduce excessive alcohol consumption: Identifying the effectiveness of intervention components in a factorial randomised control trial. Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-22420-8
- Perski, O., Baretta, D., Blandford, A., West, R., Michie, S. (2018). Engagement features judged by excessive drinkers as most important to include in smartphone applications for alcohol reduction: A mixed-methods study. Digital Health, doi:10.1177/2055207618785841
- Peacock, A., Leung, J., Larney, S., Colledge, S., Hickman, M., Rehm, J., ...Hall, W. (2018). Global statistics on alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use: 2017 status report. Addiction, doi:10.1111/add.14234
- de Vocht, F., Brown, J., Beard, E., West, R., Michie, S., Campbell, R., Hickman, M. (2018). Motivation to reduce alcohol consumption and subsequent attempts at reduction and changes in consumption in increasing and higher-risk drinkers in England: a prospective population survey.. Addiction, doi:10.1111/add.14132
- Garnett, C., Crane, D., West, R., Brown, J., Michie, S. (2018). The development of Drink Less: an alcohol reduction smartphone app for excessive drinkers. Translational Behavioral Medicine, doi:10.1093/tbm/iby043
- Britton, A. (2017). Commentary on Shield et al. (2017): The concept of 'acceptable risk' of premature mortality. Addiction. 2017 Sep;112(9):1545-1546. doi: 10.1111/add.13883. No abstract available.
- Knott, CS., Bell, S., Britton, A. (2018). The stability of baseline-defined categories of alcohol consumption during the adult life-course: a 28-year prospective cohort study. Addiction. 2018 Jan;113(1):34-43. doi: 10.1111/add.13949. Epub 2017 Aug 24.
- Britton AR, Grobbee DE, den Ruijter HM, Anderson TJ, Desvarieux M, Engström G, Evans GW, Hedblad B, Kauhanen J, Kurl S, Lonn EM, Mathiesen EB, Polak JF, Price JF, Rembold CM, Rosvall M, Rundek T, Salonen JT, Stehouwer C, Tuomainen TP, Bots ML. (2017). Alcohol Consumption and Common Carotid Intima-Media Thickness: The USE-IMT Study. Alcohol Alcohol. 52(4):483-486. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agx028.
- Bell S, Daskalopoulou M, Rapsomaniki E, George J, Britton A, Bobak M, Casas JP, Dale CE, Denaxas S, Shah AD, Hemingway H. (2017). Association between clinically recorded alcohol consumption and initial presentation of 12 cardiovascular diseases: population based cohort study using linked health records. BMJ. 356:j909. doi: 10.1136/bmj.j909.
- O'Neill D, Britton A, Brunner EJ, Bell S. (2017). Twenty-Five-Year Alcohol Consumption Trajectories and Their Association With Arterial Aging: A Prospective Cohort Study. J Am Heart Assoc. 20;6(2). pii: e005288. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.116.005288.
- Britton A, Bell S. (2017). The protective effects of moderate drinking: lies, damned lies, and… selection biases? Addiction. 112(2):218-219. doi: 10.1111/add.13585.
- Bell, S., Mehta, G., Moore, K., & Britton, A. (2017). Ten Year Alcohol Consumption Typologies and Trajectories of C-reactive Protein, Interleukin-6, and Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist over the Following Twelve Years: A Prospective Cohort Study. Journal of Internal Medicine Jan;281(1): 75-85. Doi: 10.1111/joim.12544
- Holdsworth, C., Frisher, M., Mendonça, de Oliveiria, C., Pikhart, H., & Shelton, N. (2017). Lifecourse transitions, gender and drinking in later life. Ageing and Society, 37(3), 462-494. doi: 10.1017/S0144686X15001178
- Brown, J., West, R. (2017). Addiction: A Comprehensive Approach. In Davis, P., Patton, R., Jackson, S. (Eds.), Addiction Psychology and Treatment. John Wiley & Sons.
- Beard, E.V., West, R., Michie, S., Brown, J. (2017). Association between smoking and alcohol-related behaviours: a time–series analysis of population trends in England. Addiction, doi:10.1111/add.13887
- Garnett, C.V., Crane, D., Brown, J., West, R., Michie, S. (2017). Estimating effectiveness of components of a smartphone app – Drink Less – to reduce excessive alcohol consumption.
- Crane, D., Garnett, C., Brown, J., West, R., Michie, S. (2017). Factors influencing usability of a smartphone app to reduce excessive alcohol consumption: think-aloud and interview studies. Frontiers in Public Health,
- Beard, E., Brown, J., West, R., Angus, C., Kaner, E., Michie, S. (2017). Healthier central England or North-South divide? Analysis of national survey data on smoking and high-risk drinking. BMJ OPEN, 7 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014210
- Beard, E.V., Brown, J., Kaner, E., West, R., Michie, S. (2017). Predictors of and reasons for attempts to reduce alcohol intake: A population survey of adults in England. PLoS One,
- Shahab, L., Brown, J., Hagger-Johnson, G., Michie, S., Semlyen, J., West, R., Meads, C. (2017). Sexual orientation identity and tobacco and hazardous alcohol use: findings from a cross-sectional English population survey. BMJ Open, doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015058
- Perski, O., Blandford, A., Ubhi, H., West, R., Michie, S. (2017). Smokers’ and drinkers’ choice of smartphone applications and expectations of engagement: a think aloud and interview study. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 17 (25), 1-14. doi:10.1186/s12911-017-0422-8
- Garnett, C., Crane, D., West, R., Michie, S., Brown, J., Winstock, A. (2017). User characteristics of a smartphone app to reduce alcohol consumption. Translational Behavioral Medicine, doi:10.1007/s13142-017-0477-1
- Holdsworth, C., Mendonça, M., Pikhart, H., Frisher, M., de Oliveira, C., Shelton, N. (2016). Is regular drinking in later life an indicator of good health? Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2016;70:764-770. doi: 10.1136/jech-2015-206949.
- Britton, A., Hardy, R., Kuh, D., Deanfield, J., Charakida, M., & Bell, S. (2016). Twenty-year Trajectories of Alcohol Consumption and Atherosclerotic Thickening in Early Old Age: Findings from Two British Population Cohort Studies. BMC Medicine 14, 111 .
- Kelly, Y., Britton, A., Cable, N., Sacker, A., & Watt, R. (2016).Drunkenness and Heavy Drinking among 11 Year Olds: Findings from the Millennium Cohort Study. Preventive Medicine. Preventive Medicine 90, 139-142. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.07.010
- Britton, A., O’Neill, D., & Bell, S. (2016). Underestimating the Alcohol Content of a Glass of Wine: The Implications for Estimates of Mortality Risk. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 1-6. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agw027
- Mawditt, C., Saker, A., Britton, A., Kelly, Y., & Cable, N. (2016). The Clustering of Health-related Behaviours in a British Population Sample: Testing for Cohort Differences. Preventive Medicine, 88, 95-107. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.03.003
- Kelly, Y., Goisis, A., Sacker, A., Cable, N., Watt, R., & Britton, A. (2016). What Influences 11-year-olds to Drink? Findings from the Millennium Cohort Study. BMC Public Health, 16, 169. doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-2847-x
- Leung, J.P.K., Britton, A., & Bell, S. (2016). Adverse Childhood Experiences and Alcohol Consumption in Midlife and Early Old-Age. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 51(3), 331-338. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agv125
- Brown, J., West, R., Angus, C., Beard, E., Brennan, A., Drummond, C., Hickman, M., Holmes, J., Kaner, E., Michie, S. (2016). Comparison of brief interventions in primary care on smoking and excessive alcohol consumption: a population survey in England. British Journal of General Practice, 66, e1-e9. doi: 10.3399/bjgp16X683149.
- Hu, Y., Pikhart, H., Kubinova, R., Malyutina, S., Pajak, A., Besala, A., Bell, S., Peasey, A., Marmot, M., Bobak, M. (2016; in press). Alcohol consumption and longitudinal trajectories of physical functioning in Central and Eastern Europe: a 10-year follow-up of HAPIEE Study. The Journals of Geronotology: Medical Sciences. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glv233.
- Brown, J., West, R., Beard, E., Brennan, A., Drummond, C., Gillespie, D., ...Michie, S. (2016). Are recent attempts to quit smoking associated with reduced drinking in England? A cross-sectional population survey. BMC Public Health,
- Perski, O., Blandford, A., West, R., Michie, S. (2016). Conceptualising engagement with digital behaviour change interventions: a systematic review using principles from critical interpretive synthesis. Translational Behavioral Medicine, doi:10.1007/s13142-016-0453-1
- Beard, E.V., Brown, J., West, R., Angus, C., Brennan, A., Holmes, J., ...Michie, S. (2016). Deconstructing the Alcohol Harm Paradox: A population based survey of adults in England. PLoS One,
- Garnett, C., Crane, D., Michie, S., West, R., Brown, J. (2016). Evaluating the effectiveness of a smartphone app to reduce excessive alcohol consumption: Protocol for a factorial randomised control trial. BMC Public Health,
- Twyman, L., Bonevski, B., Paul, C., Bryant, J., West, R., Siahpush, M., ...Palazzi, K. (2016). Factors Associated With Concurrent Tobacco Smoking and Heavy Alcohol Consumption Within a Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Australian Sample. SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE, 51 (4), 459-470. doi:10.3109/10826084.2015.1122065
- West, R. (2016). Psychological theories of addiction. In The International Handbook of Addiction Behaviour. (pp. 20-24). .
- Beard, E.V., Brown, J., Michie, S., Kaner, E., Meier, P., West, R. (2016). Use of aids for smoking cessation and alcohol reduction: A population survey of adults in England. BMC Public Health, doi:10.1186/s12889-016-3862-7
- Beard, E.V., Dienes, Z., Muirhead, C., West, R. (2016). Using Bayes Factors for testing hypotheses about intervention effectiveness in addictions research. Addiction,
- West, R. (2016). Using Bayesian analysis for hypothesis testing in addiction science. ADDICTION, 111 (1), 3-4. doi:10.1111/add.13053
- Bell, S., & Britton, A. (2015). Drinking pattern during midlife and risk of developing depression during 28 years of follow-up: A prospective cohort study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 155, 111-117. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.08.008
- Knott, C., Bell, S., & Britton, A. (2015). Alcohol Consumption and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-analysis of More Than 1.9 Million Individuals From 38 Observational Studies. Diabetes Care, 38(9), 1804-1812. doi: 10.2337/dc15-0710.
- Frisher, M., Mendonça, M., Shelton, N., Pikhart, H., de Oliveira, C., Holdsworth, C. (2015). Is alcohol consumption in older adults associated with poor self-rated health? Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. BMC Public Health, 15, 703. doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-1993-x.
- Garnett, C., Crane, D., West, R., Brown, J., & Michie, S. (2015). Identification of Behavior Change Techniques and Engagement Strategies to Design a Smartphone App to Reduce Alcohol Consumption Using a Formal Consensus Method. JMIR mHealth uHealth, 3(2), e73. doi: 10.2196/mhealth.3895.
- Bell, S., & Britton, A. (2015). Reliability of a retrospective decade based life course alcohol consumption questionnaire administered in later life. Addiction, 110(10), 1563-1573. doi: 10.1111/add.13012.
- Bell, S., & Britton, A. (2015). The role of alcohol consumption in regulating circulating levels of adiponectin: a prospective cohort study. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 100, 2763-2768. doi: 10.1210/jc.2015-1845.
- Crane, D., Garnett, C., Brown, J., West, R., & Michie, S. (2015). Behavior Change Techniques in Popular Alcohol Reduction Apps: Content Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(5), e118. doi: 10.2196/jmir.4060.
- Bell, S., Orford, J., & Britton, A. (2015). Heavy Drinking Days and Mental Health: An Exploration of the Dynamic 10-Year Longitudinal Relationship in a Prospective Cohort of Untreated Heavy Drinkers. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 39, 688-696. doi: 10.1111/acer.12681
- Britton, A. & Bell, S. (2015). Reasons Why People Change Their Alcohol Consumption in Later Life: Findings from the Whitehall II Cohort Study. PLOS One, 10(3), e0119421. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0119421.
- Britton, A., Ben-Shlomo, Y., Benzeval, M., Kuh, D., & Bell, S. (2015). Life course trajectories of alcohol consumption in the United Kingdom using longitudinal data from nine cohort studies. BMC Medicine, 13, 47. doi: 10.1186/s12916-015-0273-z
- Bell, S. & Britton, A. (2015). Protective effects of moderate alcohol consumption on fatty liver: a spurious association? Journal of Hepatology, 62, 1209-1211. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2014.12.037
- Herbert, A., Gilbert, R., González-Izquierdo, A., & Li, L. (2015). Violence, self-harm and drug or alcohol misuse in adolescents admitted to hospitals in England for injury: a retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open, 5, e006079. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006079
- Knott, C.S., Coombs, N., Stamatakis, E., & Biddulph, J.P. (2015). All-cause mortality and the case for age specific alcohol consumption guidelines: pooled analyses of up to 10 population based cohorts. BMJ, 350, h384. doi: 10.1136/bmj.h384
- Ng Fat, L., Cable, N., & Shelton, N. (2015). Worsening of Health and a Cessation or Reduction in Alcohol Consumption to Special Occasion Drinking Across Three Decades of the Life Course. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 39(1), 166-174. doi: 10.1111/acer.12596
- Horvat, P., Richards, M., Kubinova, R., Pajak, A., Malyutina, S., Shishkin, S., Pikhart, H., Peasey, A., Marmot, M.G., Singh-Manoux, A., & Bobak, M. (2015). Alcohol consumption, drinking patterns, and cognitive function in older Eastern European adults. Neurology, 84(3), 287-295. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000001164
- Garnett, C., Crane, D., West, R., Michie, S., Brown, J., & Winstock, A. (2015). Normative misperceptions about alcohol use in the general population of drinkers: A cross-sectional survey. Addictive Behaviors, 42, 203-206. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2014.11.010
- Hu, Y., Pikhart, H., Malyutina, S., Pajak, A., Kubinova, R., Nikitin, Y., Peasey, A., Marmot, M., & Bobak, M. (2015). Alcohol consumption and physical functioning among middle-aged and older adults in Central and Eastern Europe: Results from the HAPIEE study. Age and Ageing, 44(1), 84-89. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afu083
- Bell, S., Kivimäki, M., & Batty, G.D. (2015). Subgroup analysis as a source of spurious findings: an illustration using new data on alcohol intake and coronary heart disease. Addiction, 110(1), 183-184. doi: 10.1111/add.12708
- Babor, T., Strang, J., West, R. (2015). Building the connections between science, practice and policy: Griffith Edwards and the UK National Addiction Centre. ADDICTION, 110 1-3. doi:10.1111/add.12928
- Beard, E., Brown, J., West, R., Holmes, J., Kaner, E., Meier, P., Michie, S. (2015). Characterising the alcohol harm paradox: a population-based survey of adults in England. LANCET, 386 S23. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(15)00861-2
- Brown, J., West, R., Angus, C., Beard, E., Brennan, A., Drummond, C., ...Michie, S. (2015). Comparison of brief interventions in primary care on smoking and excessive alcohol consumption in England: a population survey. British Journal of General Practice,
- Gowing, L.R., Ali, R.L., Allsop, S., Marsden, J., Turf, E.E., West, R., Witton, J. (2015). Global statistics on addictive behaviours: 2014 status report. ADDICTION, 110 (6), 904-919. doi:10.1111/add.12899
- Garnett, C.V., Crane, D., West, R., Brown, J., Michie, S. (2015). Identification of behaviour change techniques and engagement strategies to design a smartphone app to reduce alcohol consumption using a formal consensus method. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, doi:10.2196/mhealth.3895
- Kouimtsidis, C., Stahl, D., West, R., Drummond, C. (2015). Negative expectancies measured with the substance use beliefs questionnaire can differentiate controls from those in treatment for alcohol dependence. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 15 (2), 76-81. doi:10.1108/DAT-03-2014-0021
- Garnett, C., Crane, D., West, R., Michie, S., Brown, J., Winstock, A. (2015). Normative misperceptions about alcohol use in the general population of drinkers: A cross-sectional survey. ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 42 203-206. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2014.11.010
- Beard, E., Brown, J., West, R., Acton, C., Brennan, A., Drummond, C., ...Lock, K. (2015). Protocol for a national monthly survey of alcohol use in England with 6-month follow-up: 'The Alcohol Toolkit Study'.. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 15 doi:10.1186/s12889-015-1542-7
- Beard, E., Brown, J., West, R., Acton, C., Brennan, A., Drummond, C., ...Lock, K. (2015). Protocol for a national monthly survey of alcohol use in England with 6-month follow-up: 'the Alcohol Toolkit Study'.. BMC public health, 15 230-. doi:10.1186/s12889-015-1542-7