Our researchers occasionally produce books or chapters in books and you can find information about these below.
Handbook on Demographic Change and the Lifecourse
by Jane Falkingham
Showcasing ways in which the theory of the lifecourse has been applied in demographic research, this innovative Handbook uses key datasets to offer a deeper understanding of the causes and consequences of demographic change across the lifecourse.
Chapter 13 Work, family and health over the lifecourse: evidence from the British birth cohort studies by Anne McMunn
Health Inequality: An Introduction to Concepts, Theories and Methods. Second Edition
At a time when social inequalities are increasing at an alarming rate, this new edition of Mel Bartley's popular book is a vital resource for understanding the extent of health inequalities and why they are proving to be persistent despite decades of growing knowledge and policies on the issue.
As in the first edition, by examining cultural influences and class, income and wealth levels, gender and ethnicity, among other factors, this accessible book provides a key to understanding the major theories and explanations of what lies behind inequality in health: behavioural, psychosocial, material and life-course approaches. Evaluating the evidence of health outcomes over time and at local and national levels,
Bartley argues that the individual level demands closer attention if health inequality is to be tackled effectively, revealing the important part that identity plays in relation to the chances of a long and healthy life.
Health Inequality will be essential reading for students taking courses in the sociology of health and illness, social policy and welfare, health sciences, public health and epidemiology and all those interested in understanding the consequences of social inequality for health.
Health Inequality can be ordered online or through the publisher order form for a 20% discount until 31st December.
"The new edition of Mel Bartley's excellent, well-written book should be relevant to anyone interested in understanding and addressing the persisting challenge of social inequalities in health. Congratulations on an inspiring, timely and critical contribution!"
Johannes Siegrist, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf
"This new edition of Mel Bartley's classic book has the authoritative heft of one of the western world's most respected medical sociologists. Her great personal depth of expertise comes across throughout the volume, and the book demonstrates a tight grasp of the conceptual and social theory issues that should underpin high-quality research into health inequalities. The book's newly updated national and international data on health inequalities are especially welcome."
John Frank, University of Edinburgh